Serial Killer of the 1600's - Elizabeth Bathory - Comments

  • I first learned about Elizabeth after the band Aiden wrote the song "Elizabeth" about her. Ever since then I've been interested. But again I kind of agree with Sheepy, nobody can honestly know what happened back then. But Elizabeth is a very interesting topic.

    But very well written article.
    November 27th, 2009 at 06:36pm
  • I loved this article. It was educational, and entertaining to read. (Not because I'm a sadist, but because I enjoy history).
    Queen Bathory was the queen who pretty much started the vampire legends, and I love vampires. A fantastic article in my opinion, well done! *applause*
    November 27th, 2009 at 03:32pm
  • It's a pretty well written article, though one thing irked me throughout. While I get that leaving this to the cold hard facts would leave you with almost nothing to write with, you talk about legend and myth as if it is proven fact.

    In particular: The bathing in blood of virgins so as to retain her beauty? Is pretty much [i]complete[/i] folklore. Very very popular and accepted folklore, at that...but it's nowhere near established fact, as you seemingly portray it to be. Some historians think that was just added in because misoginy at the time made people think that women were too refined to just kill in cold blood.

    And there's a few other things, like her associates being witches/the exchange with the young servant girl/what she was thinking or what she said or didn't say during her house arrest that bring this a little more off-kelter than it probably could be.

    Was she, to all points and purposes, probably an incredibly sadistic woman with more power than conscience? Yes. And that makes her an incredibly interesting person to read about, especially given her status and gender and what that meant at the time.
    November 27th, 2009 at 10:48am
  • Wow. I bet that if we had it on history...and she was somehow linked to king Bathory... I bet it would be more interesting. I wonder how many monsters like her lived on this earth :/ It's horrible. I can't imagine how somehow can do something like that. She sure as hell wasn't sane.
    November 27th, 2009 at 10:37am
  • Oh wow. I never knew.
    She's a character on a board game I play: 'Nightmare'. She's apparently a 'vampire'. I see where they got that from now. I didn't know she was actually real
    November 27th, 2009 at 10:24am