Santas Of The World

Santas Of The World Chubby, white bearded men dressed in red costumes as portrayed in the movies yet called Santas and their sidekicks, elves gathered on July 26th in Denmark to celebrate their annual summit. Despite the fact that Christmas is nearly 6 months away, they gathered together at the Bakken Amusement Park, north of Copenhagen for the 51st international convention.

Hardly anyone could miss the event since there were 150 people dressed as Santas and elves attending the summit. Their busy schedule didn't let them be still. At the summit, they had an ongoing debate focused on the true date for Santa Clauses to slide down the chimneys. That was the main theme on the agenda.

Since there's popular belief that Santas leave presents on their way down the chimneys and take cookies and milk as treats, the Santas and elves debated diet. Those creatures that fulfill the minds of youngsters got slightly frightened that they wouldn't fit the chimneys anymore.

Words on the side, they showed a little action which included a bike tour of Copenhagen harbor led by Santas dressed in their red uniforms. They also paraded through the city dogged to set the record for the largest number of Santa Clauses hula-hooping at the same time.

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