Distressed Bird Attracts Police

Distressed Bird Attracts Police On Wednesday morning in Trenton, New Jersey, some neighbors were a bit shaken. As they were casually going through their morning routine, they heard distressed cries of "Help me! Help me!" They were naturally concerned and worried that one of their fellow neighbors was in some sort of trouble, and called for police assistance.

When the police arrived on the scene, they knocked and knocked on the door, but no response was made. Officers feared something tragic had happened, and kicked the door down to help whoever was inside. What the found however, was not someone who needed help, but a cockatoo in a cage chattering away.

This was not the first time Luna, the cockatoo, had gotten police called because of her theatrical antics, according to her owner Evelyn DeLeon. Roughly seven years ago, Luna had made sounds of a crying baby. Neighbors called child welfare services who then came to investigate a possible child abandonment case, when really it was just a spunky bird.

When asked where Luna learns all her sounds, Evelyn stated that she loved to watch TV so that she could mimic all of the new noises she heard. Luna is even bilingual, knowing how to say quite a bit of Spanish phrases.

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