Don't Be So Quick to Judge - Comments

  • Shake the Glitter

    Shake the Glitter (100)

    I just can't believe that science would have anything to do with it.
    You're getting into the whole 'nature vs. nurture' debate with this one.

    You could raise a perfectly normal girl (I'm talking chromosomes when I say 'normal') as a boy to like girls and the other way around as well. In parts of the world it's done for population control (scary in some respects).

    There is little proof that genes have anything to do with homosexuality; there is no such thing as a 'Gay gene'. All studies done to prove that statement otherwise have ended up proving it just; some even lie.

    Behavioral genetics is such an iffy topic to explore though. We don't know enough about the extent in which our genes affect our behavior to make a consise claim to the likelihood of ones actions strictly to genetics.

    I'm pretty sure the best conclusion modern science has brought us linking genes to homosexuality is that lesbians tend to have longer index fingers. (a laughable conclusion, I think!)

    I'd reccomend you look a little deeper in to the theories of Dr. Dean Hamer. It would seem as if you got a lot of your base knowledge for this article from him. When replicated, his experiments on the homosexual community are non-conclusive.

    I think you'd be interested in his work though.

    Good debate to bring to the site though.
    March 1st, 2009 at 04:54pm