Don't Laugh And Drive

Don't Laugh And Drive Laughing is healthy, scientists find. Obviously not to police.

Driving his car, a company director Gary Saunders was using a hands-free phone and talking to his brother in law. At one point, the man on the other side of the line told a joke and Gary burst out laughing.

The next moment, a traffic officer made him pull over.

"Laughing while driving a car can be an offence", the officer said and kept questioning him. Even though the company director tried to convince the policeman to let him attend a very important meeting, “to protect and serve” man was adamant.

"I couldn't believe it when he told me I'd been pulled over for laughing”, Gary said and continued,

"I was driving very safely in the Birkenhead Tunnel and took a call.

“He said something funny and I was laughing - simple as that. I never took my eyes off the road and was in full control of the car.

I definitely wasn't speeding so I asked what the problem was and he told me I was laughing too much".

Things got bizarre when the policeman started asking weird questions. He wanted to know what color was Gary’s hair. Gary felt a bit awkward since he has alopecia and is bald. But the policeman continued with his inexplicable behavior.

“What colour was your hair when you had some?” He asked.

Eventually, the traffic officer let Gary go telling him that he had nothing to accuse him of but still required him to take his documents to the station.

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