Ouija Boards

Ouija Boards The Ouija Board (wee-gee) theory has been going around for years and years and years now. The Ouija board can be used for good, and evil. But does it really work?

The Ouija Board is meant to answer questions made by people playing the game, although this game does have a bad reputation for possessions, this board can also be used for simple questions. It is when negative questions are asked, is when negative answers come in reply.

The Ouija Board Consists of the letters a-z written on it along with the words, "yes", "no", "farewell" or "goodbye", and the numbers 0-9. There are also small pictures in each corner of the board.

There are two sides to the Ouija Board, you either believe in it and it works, or you don't believe in it and it doesn't work. Most people think that the Ouija board can be used as a spirit gateway to the paranormal world. But other people believe in the ideomotor effect. This basically just means that because everyone is putting an equal amount of force, it doesn't look like anyone is moving it but just with a small amount of force from one player the arrow can appear to be moving by itself.

To user the board, you must start by clearing your mind of everything so your mind is on the question you ask and nothing else. Next you have to have everyone that is playing place three fingers on the arrow and circle clockwise around the board to warm it up. Then you stop and ask the question loud and clear. [When the arrow moves make sure you don't get afraid or take your mind off of the question because the arrow will stop moving]. The board will spell out the answer to the answer. When the Ouija is done it will say "good bye" or farewell".

For this board to work you must be willing to devote yourself completely to it. I am warning you though, that if you ask negative questions, you will get negative answers. You must take this game seriously.

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