Humans Not From Earth? - Comments

  • warmaiden

    warmaiden (6085)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    being the type of person that jumps the gun & yells: YES, I AGREE, i actually found myself @ a standstill when reading this article. indeed, it's totally bizarre first & foremost that dr. silver can publish this theory & talk about all these interesting claims & actually have people investigate the theory in itself, but it does have some flaws of course. it sounds - in my opinion - that this guy is sort of a nut (as are many people & their theories), but perhaps that's just my outlook on everything, especially since i believe this "high species" to be a superior alien race that could honestly obliterate us in our sleep bc we're too stupid to keep as pets.

    as one of those people who have problems w/ food & horrible arthritis (& @ twenty years old, tsk tsk), i sort of understand where he could have figured this & i do agree in some sense when it comes down to a mother in childbirth. perhaps in some sense we're an inferior race to whatever else is out there in a galaxy far, far away & could be potential test subjects. imagine that?

    also being the type of asshole that i am, i sort of looked through the comments below & kind of smirked @ how seriously people took this. of course, theories are to be picked & prodded @, but i liked having to sit back & consider these pro's & con's. all the same, this was a great read!
    August 1st, 2016 at 11:18am
  • faster.

    faster. (300)

    United States
    This is an interesting and very different theory, though I personally don't find any of the evidence shared here to be overwhelming in any sense of the word. It's very inaccurate to say that species other than humans have never had/never do have any complications with childbirth, and we obviously HAVE evolved to be able to push a huge baby head out of our bodies, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. The vast majority of mothers have delivered their babies without any such complication, and have done so for years. There will always be those exceptions and some mothers will have problems with childbirth, but this isn't anything specific to the human race. Also, I don't quite understand how something having to do completely with our bodies themselves has anything to do with the planet we supposedly originated from (though I'd never claim to be an expert in the field of evolution).

    As for the sunburn theory; I don't think that the sun causing ill effects necessarily means that we're not suited for the area. Were we on any planet other than Earth, the suns rays would either be so hot that we'd literally be killed from the slightest bit of exposure, or so lacking that it'd be far too cold for us to survive, or for plants to photosynthesize and provide us with the oxygen we need to survive. Looking at those extremes, it makes a minor (or even not so minor) sunburn seem rather petty. A sunburn is very unlikely to kill you (one you got on Earth, anyway), and it's usually just over exposure that causes sunburns in the first place.

    Earth may not be perfect for the human race, but I don't believe it to be perfect for any other species either. The important thing is that Earth has what we need to survive and can support life. It'd be interesting to hear some evidence as to where we may supposedly be from (if not Earth), and why that planet would be more suited for us, as well as the other things this man has to say as to why Earth obviously isn't the answer. I hope he has more to say than just the few (arguably weak) statements contained in this article.

    There are also some grammatical errors I noticed, especially throughout the first few paragraphs. I hope you won't take this comment as rude or hateful. I just mean this as constructive criticism and my personal reaction to the information presented. The article itself isn't poorly written, but I do think it seems a little rushed. It's definitely interesting, though I think if you had gone more in depth it maybe wouldn't have seemed so easily debunked... and I think you definitely would have noticed the grammatical errors (basically a word missing here or there and missing punctuation).
    December 27th, 2014 at 03:01am
  • Collin Berend

    Collin Berend (230)

    United States
    @ discoveringclouds
    @ discoveringclouds
    "We were created by God. That's why this earth is perfect for us."
    First off, what? The planet isn't perfect for us in any form of the sense. Most of the earth is hostile to us, obviously not counting space. No, that is not true mate. Sure you can believe in God, that is fine, but to say the Earth was made perfectly for us would be rather.... It's in short and as kind as I can say, false.
    "We can't say that they were born here while us, the sunburnt ones came from a further planet."
    That is a fair point to bring us,. but while I do not agree with this theory, I am not sure it is even a theory as I highly doubt it would hold up to scrutiny in the scientific community. I could name a few things that would contradict this that we know in the scientific theory that is supported by far more evidence and once a theory is shown to be wrong or have an issue once, it's wrong.
    "Also, to think somehow that we traveled through lightyears from the closet star without dying and an intelligent alien life form (and their generations-somehow sustained on an airship or without food for so long) not growing old and dying, or their generations giving up the futile hope of finding a prison for these humans"
    Traveling light years is such a feeble concept deepening on what the class can do. It could for all we know travel via wormholes. We have the equations, it's not too hard to conjure up, we just can not make one currently let alone maintain it.

    As for sustaining on a ship with generations and lack of food is minute in this discussion as we know no other life other than what we have seen on earth. One could hypothetically, and in theory, be a race that requires no food or food that is needed every now and then. Snakes can go a month without food if needed, and eat generally once a week. It's not too hard to think of. If they are in a ship with full knowledge I would assume they are far more advanced than us. But this theory I wouldn't call a scientific theory in the slightest as a few things do not add up nor have I heard any evidence for this in the scientific community.

    As for the article, interesting but I would completely refrain from saying things like: "... in his book full of facts."

    Avoid facts and use the word evidence instead. The word fact gets thrown around like that and you can expect people assuming it is already true. When discussing things that are, for example a scientific theory with things that back it, it's generally best to use the word evidence. It's bad enough many people have no idea what the word theory in science even means let alone fact.

    As for this, while interesting, it contradicts how we already know we basically are related to everything here via evolution. While it is interesting, the life that we come from might be from another planet, but not humans.

    If this was true, it would need to explain the connection we so commonly find through evolution and if there is a connection but these species evolved here before we got here, but we hold connections further back from some form of bacterium or even less of a complicated organism.

    As someone else noted that they could spot issues here, I could too. But I work in the field of physics, not biology but could explain the issues.

    Sure it sounds nice, but this seems as fabricated as the Ancient Astronaut theory, which is also hog wash and has been disproved. Would have been far more interesting in the Enlightened age or further back to Aristotle and Plato's time.

    However, in the end, follow the evidence wherever it leads. Evolution has far more than this that shows it happened.

    Question yourself, do not believe something just because you want to. Believing it doesn't make it so.

    Question authority, no idea is true just because someone says so, including me.

    And remember, you could be wrong. You have no idea how many scientist are wrong and a HUGE number in a pool are names you know to be these brilliant people, like Einstein who was wrong on things, Newton, Hawking, etc. Hell, Hawking was in a 'war' with Dr. Susskind, he teaches physics at Standford, about the Black Hole and how his view on it had to be challenged for Quantum Mechanics sake.
    December 20th, 2014 at 06:54am
  • ram1068

    ram1068 (100)

    United States
    There are some good points, and man had to originate from somewhere, or something. This theory is an old theory, and I am waiting to see more proof of this theory
    December 7th, 2014 at 02:33pm
  • This.Useless.Heart.

    This.Useless.Heart. (115)

    United States
    I definitely feel this it is too early to jump wholeheartedly into this theory; it has strengths, but also flaws. However, I find it fascinating, and I will definitely look further into it. Thank you for posting this!
    December 15th, 2013 at 07:31am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Interesting... I find it more likely the high species came here. And evolved us, but this concept is always interesting from any angle.
    December 8th, 2013 at 07:50am
  • wonderyear?

    wonderyear? (155)

    United States
    @ singlekhadysingle
    Not sure what this has to do with my article. If you want to talk privately please send me a private message on this site. I will not give you my email seeing as this is extremely shady and might be spam. If no message is sent I will be reporting your message.
    December 5th, 2013 at 05:42pm
  • singlekhadysingle

    singlekhadysingle (100)

    Hello dear;

    How is everything with you? I picked interest in you after going through your profile. I really want to have a good friendship with you. Beside i have something very important to disclose to you but I found it difficult to express myself here since it's a public site. Please i will appreciate if you will reply to me through my private e-mail via: ( ) So we can get to know each other more better and i well give you my pictures and more details about me OK.

    Yours Friend miss khady zaidi )
    December 5th, 2013 at 05:15pm
  • Jormungandr

    Jormungandr (100)

    I'm sorry, but I'm a Biology major and I've got some SERIOUS problems with this theory.

    If you were to compare the genome (the list of all of the genes in an organism) of a variety of vastly different species on the planet - humans, earthworms, and fungi for example - and looked at their respective cells you’d notice that that the mechanisms by which they all operate are pretty much the same. For example, all of the organisms mentioned above replicate their DNA through the same process. They all use a protein called DNA polymerase to split their strands of DNA apart and make copies. It is EXTREMELY unlikely that we would have developed the same mechanisms for DNA replication (actually, our DNA itself would likely be very structurally different) if evolved on another planet. The same thing goes with pretty much every other molecular mechanism.

    “He finds it peculiar that babies have such large heads that can cause difficulty in pregnancy”

    Babies have large heads because they have big brains, and they have big brains because they use them, a lot. When you look at a newborn baby drooling and looking all adorable (babies are the cutest thing ever, scientific fact) it’s actually doing a lot more than you’d think. Babies are CONSTANTLY processing information. For example, they listen to every individual sound that the people around them are saying, and thereby learn the sounds of their language. (Fun fact: By the time they’re ONE WEEK OLD they can distinguish they’re mother’s language from a foreign one. Cool, right?)

    I’m not going to talk about sunburn or back pain because I don’t have the time, but I find it likely that there is a better explanation as to why those occur than the theory that we’re aliens. (Occam’s Razor – the simplest explanation is usually the right one)

    That being said, it is a pretty interesting idea. But when you’re reading scientific articles – no matter HOW reputable - you need to be careful about accepting someone else’s ideas. I don’t care if it’s Einstein or Stephen Hawking (or me!) – you need to come to your own conclusions based on the evidence. As the great Dr. House once said: “Everybody lies.” And they sometimes make mistakes, so don’t believe something just because someone else told you to.
    November 24th, 2013 at 09:17am
  • discoveringclouds

    discoveringclouds (200)

    It's interesting that's why I commented at all. Also I don't believe Jesus is god but a prophet.

    I see your point that its entertaining and interesting, but sometimes it's important to draw a line from that to what is truth and what needs to be really said clearly.

    I see you're saying its a theory but when it's belief by someone you can't say that. Science has theories. You can't say that about belief.

    Yeah the idea that this is a prison planet really struck with me becsuse adam and eve were sent down and the idea
    Of higher power putting us here is also true. So this theory in a way coincides with my belief Islam if you think about it that way. LOL

    It's funny how, one way or another, people
    Are always taken back
    God. Whether in belief or at the end.
    November 24th, 2013 at 05:16am
  • wonderyear?

    wonderyear? (155)

    United States
    @ discoveringclouds
    Please remember that this is just a theory and also not all people believe in God. Though creationism(the belief God created the world) is a popular and accepted theory about the start of the world it is still just a theory. No one can prove it happened and no can prove it didn't. Same goes with the theory in this article.

    I'm not saying you are wrong and I'm not saying God didn't create us because something definitely created us in my opinion.

    Maybe God is the higher being that Dr. Silver was talking about. The article I've sourced at the of my article stated that maybe Earth was a prison planet and we were sent here and when we learned how to behave we die and return to where we originated from. That sounds very similar to how heaven works. You know there are a lot of people who believe that Jesus and other historical and religious divines were of other worlds. I know you probably think I'm sounding crazy right now. You seem like a very opinionated person but I would advise you to look further into theses things they are very fun and interesting. Which is all this article was. Fun and bizarre things to think about. Very Happy
    November 23rd, 2013 at 05:37pm
  • discoveringclouds

    discoveringclouds (200)

    I just have pale skin and I burn in the sun at times, but rarely. My cousins have darker skin and they tan.
    Sorry to have missed something, but it seemed like being sunburnt was mentioned two or three times and I wanted to point out how odd it sounded, you know?

    Like I don't see how sun irritation could relate to earth being a prison-but if I think about it, this world is a prison. It is a prison for every person who is working very hard to be their best and not do wrong things and live honestly and who is striving for heaven. They are struggling against the temptations of doing anything they want and following the rules, the laws, being moral and ethical. That's hard to keep yourself on the straight middle path. The greatest reward though is in the next world, in heaven.

    And about us humans being different, well...that doesn't make sense that we are the only thing that got dropped off, wouldn't all the other mammals have to be dropped off too? You know, since they give birth similarly and have very close genetics? :S Not that I say we evolved from monkeys because no one can find that missing link(S), but I hope you can understand my point.

    Also, about how you mentioned women giving childbirth and how it is dangerous...other species go through pain as well that''s why they scream out. They just cannot express that pain in words as we humans can. Also, I know that women who live very hard lives, that are servants in Asia would give birth one day and not feel as much labour pain as more privileged women. The next day they would be back at work doing their jobs as normal. Whereas the other women have longer labour pain and need more rest. I think it's because they work more so they are used to pain and their bodies are stronger. So I think this idea that all women are at a danger from birth is silly. I mean, 7+ Billion children weren't born with no mothers...they're fine. There are many mothers for these billions of humans on earth. Also there are people that say that doctors and nurses watching a woman give birth makes it less natural and harder, so therefore more painful. Thus this social shift in how we give birth could explain why it is more painful.
    November 23rd, 2013 at 04:14pm
  • LostinTime

    LostinTime (200)

    United States
    The most easily sunburnt people are usually white people right? So when we are the only ones complaining of this issue, we can't really speak for all of humanity. Likely the writer of this book was white too... Other coloured people and nations that we know and be friends with are all fine with the sun, the equator is hotter than north america and europe where we write our fun and serious scientific ideas. Our friends are all fine at the equator. The science doesn't seem too sound to generalize to all of humanity, you know?
    First off, getting sunburn wasn't the only point of evidence to back up this theory. Also, white people aren't the only ones who burn easily. My boyfriend lives in the Caribbean, is pretty dark-skinned (Indian with maybe a slight hint of African), and still tells me about how much he gets sunburned when he's been outside for a certain extent of time during the day.

    The earliest traces of humans are still traced back to Africa, either way. Those who originated there (be it naturally or not) stayed there for a good while before eventually migrating out, so it makes sense that they would adapt to being in the sun over time.
    November 23rd, 2013 at 03:09pm
  • discoveringclouds

    discoveringclouds (200)

    We were created by God. That's why this earth is perfect for us. We don't even sunburn that easily, just look, some humans have naturally occurring SPF in their skin. We can't say that they were born here while us, the sunburnt ones came from a further planet. Also, to think somehow that we traveled through lightyears from the closet star without dying and an intelligent alien life form (and their generations-somehow sustained on an airship or without food for so long) not growing old and dying, or their generations giving up the futile hope of finding a prison for these humans.

    The most easily sunburnt people are usually white people right? So when we are the only ones complaining of this issue, we can't really speak for all of humanity. Likely the writer of this book was white too... Other coloured people and nations that we know and be friends with are all fine with the sun, the equator is hotter than north america and europe where we write our fun and serious scientific ideas. Our friends are all fine at the equator. The science doesn't seem too sound to generalize to all of humanity, you know?
    November 23rd, 2013 at 07:03am
  • Queen of Suburbia

    Queen of Suburbia (315)

    United States
    This is a very interesting theory and I would like to read more about it. I've heard some bizarre things, but I've yet to hear about this recent outlook on humanity. I don't know, it seems somewhat plausible, but I'd like to know what other things he brings up.
    November 23rd, 2013 at 04:22am
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand

    Yeah, I have just always found it impossible to believe that we are the only 'humans' in this universe, or any other universe for that matter. It's too vast. I also find it odd how so many thing's have happened in history, that mentioned some sort of divine intervention. All I can say is... "ALIENS" Hahaha. But seriously, I think alien's stole us from mar's or something and put us here Coffee But I believe in bigfoot as well O_O
    November 23rd, 2013 at 03:53am
  • wonderyear?

    wonderyear? (155)

    United States
    @ Tholomew Plague
    I agree with you. I think it's a very interesting theory and it's completely possible. That would also explain a lot of religious figures and their miracles. It's like the ultimate headcanon.
    November 23rd, 2013 at 03:47am
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    In my personal opinion, I think it's entirely possible for us to be from another planet.
    November 23rd, 2013 at 03:41am