90 Teens Falsely Suspected of Drinking

90 Teens Falsely Suspected of Drinking Police in Wausau, Wisconsin busted an interesting teenage party Saturday night on March 1, 2008. Nearly one hundred teens were present, music was blaring and cars were cluttering the streets. When police entered the house of Dustin Zebro, the person responsible for the party, they discovered a keg and teens drinking all over the place. The only thing the teens didn't have? Alcohol.

The officers then proceeded to give all teens present a breathalyser test, over 90 of them were administered, and the results on all of them were negative for alcohol. That would be caused by the fact that their keg contained nothing more than 1919 Classic American Draft Root Beer.

Dustin Zebro said that his reason behind the party was to show that not all teenagers drink underage as they are often stereotyped. Several of Justin's friends had actually been suspended from their sports at school after photos of them drinking from red cups were discovered. The school had no real reason to believe his friends were drinking alcohol, the content of the cup was not visible, no alcoholic bottles could be seen in the pictures, but they did have those mischievous red cups!

The party was meant to poke fun at the school, as everyone there was drinking nothing more than root beer out of red, plastic cups.

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