"Last of the Time Lords"

"Last of the Time Lords" Season 3, Episode 12, "Last of the Time Lords"

The conclusion of a season. However sad it may be it's always the episode that reigns over all previous episodes. This episode takes place one year after the events in "The Sound of Drums". The Master is holding the aged Doctor captive alongside Harkness and Martha's family.

If we remember last episode, Martha used Harkness' vortex manipulator to teleport away from danger and back to earth. In "Last of the Time Lords" we find out she spent the past year traveling around the world. Rumours have spread about her, saying that she is the only one who can destroy the Master.

Earth has been closed to all species. It is now used for creating warships for a new Time Lord empire. The remaining humans on Earth live in fear, and are not allowed to travel. Martha was only able to travel the Earth as she still had her perception filter around her neck.

She returns to Britain, meeting up with Thomas Milligan who leads her to Professor Doherty. With Professor Doherty's help, they manage to kill one of the Toclafane, revealing that the Toclafane are in actual fact the conscious remains of human beings from the year 100 trillion. They are the humans that were on their way to Utopia at the end of the Universe.

Martha reveals to Doherty that she has been traveling the world to find a gun, developed by Torchwood, that is able to kill a Time Lord and prevent regeneration. When Martha and Milligan are out of sight, Doherty then reveals their whereabouts to the Master.

The Master, after aging the Doctor a further 900 years goes down to Earth to find Martha. He too has heard the rumors that she is the only one able to kill him. After finding her, and destroying the gun, he takes her back to his aircraft and begins the countdown to when his fleet of warships will be launched.

The Master stands there, with a smug look on his face, ready to execute Martha, her family and the Doctor. But alas, the Master has no idea what's in store for him. Martha reveals she was not traveling the world in search of a gun, but to spread the word of the Doctor, his bravery, his adventures, everything that makes him the wonderful Time Lord he is. She's told the whole world to think "Doctor" at the very same moment the Master launches his fleet.

As everybody thinks of the Doctor, it combines with the Masters Archangel satellite network, which then gives the Doctor the combined physical energy of the people on Earth. The Doctor restores to his youthful state, as the Master cowers.

The Master is now defenseless, and is faced with spending the rest of his life on the TARDIS with the Doctor. However, his wife, Lucy Saxon has seized a gun and with a blank expression on her face shoots the Master. The Master refuses to regenerate, leaving the Doctor once again as the last Time Lord in the Universe.

What happened to Harkness? I hear you ask. He returns to Cardiff, where his Torchwood team is located. Questions arise however, about Harkness' immortality and if he will ever age. The Doctor confesses that he doesn't know. Harkness, thinking about what he'll look like a million years from now confesses his vanity, saying that he was the first person from the Boeshane Peninsula to join the Time Agency, earning him the nickname the "Face of Boe". My oh my, Harkness is the Face of Boe? Funny how time works...

As the episode and season comes to a close, Martha bids farewell to the Doctor, staying on Earth to look after her family. The Doctor sets the TARDIS' controls and starts to take off. However, this is the final of the season. And no good season final could end without a cliff hanger ending, could it? After a thundering crash, the bow of a ship has crashed through the TARDIS. The Doctor picks up one of the lifebelts, written on it, the name Titanic. In the words of the Doctor, "What?!"

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