Students Discover Music Benefits For Classroom Work

Students Discover Music Benefits For Classroom Work People are talking and laughing totally oblivious that you are trying to write a paper. Of course, the iPod in the front pocket of your book bag would work perfectly to drown out all of the obnoxiousness going on around you. But of course "The Rule" is in your way. "The Rule" is the rule stating that iPods or any other musical devices are not allowed in the classrooms at anytime. I think that iPods and other music electronics should be allowed in the classrooms.

Some teachers allow students to listen to music when they are quiet or are done with their work sometimes. Music helps block out background noise of classrooms and can also give students inspiration. With music playing in you ears, you forget about all of the pandemonium going on around you. It helps students to focus on their paper and on writing and/or working in general. I, myself, have never gotten in trouble for having my iPod out, but I have seen many other people get in trouble to where they have to put it away or taken away so that the students have to get it back after class or after school. But, of course, I have used my iPod in class. I have my friend's Ipod in my ear as I'm typing this.

It is also proven that music or white noise helps kids with ADD/ADHD. Why not try to help them? Music also helps not only concentration, but with comprehension and retention as well.

Teachers and administrators need to look information up about music helping students. Teachers already let students listen to their music a lot anyway. Why make it "illegal" in the school system? If the rule was changed then that would save teachers classroom time from quizzing students "What is in your ear?", "Is that an iPod?" and having to confiscate the music device.

The solution is obvious, music devices such as iPod and MP3 players should be allowed in the schools. Unless, administrators and teachers don't want to help students learn. But why would they want that?

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