Has Rap Music Gone Too Far? - Comments

  • Gunslingerrr

    Gunslingerrr (100)

    United States
    Lyrics like those are in [b]every[/b] form of music.
    If you disallow it in rap lyrics, you have to disallow it in all genres.
    August 14th, 2008 at 03:03am
  • The Guitar Man

    The Guitar Man (100)

    United States
    "Just because you can do things doesn't mean you should; this applies very well to the right to freedom of sppech/expression'.
    They can do it, so they might as well. I can't say I support it, but there are other forms of music that aren't as openly profane...even so, they're around.

    It sells. If I were able to, I'd be more for banning music that talks of suicide. It seems more threatening.

    Either way, this article seems like something that was written because the author doesn't like rap above anything else.
    August 14th, 2008 at 01:57am
  • pixy

    pixy (200)

    United Kingdom
    After reading this article and all it's comments, all the things I would have said have aleady been said, so I'm just going to say:

    Yeah, SOME rap music should be disallowed, but not all of it in general.
    Most rap is quite good, this coming from a more emo type genre myself.
    Linkin Park, for instance...
    August 13th, 2008 at 08:19pm
  • theqwertboard

    theqwertboard (100)

    United States
    oh and the reason we focus more on rap and npot rock is because nearly all of the teenage population listens to rap. Rock is less common, and is actually cleaner.
    August 13th, 2008 at 02:27am
  • theqwertboard

    theqwertboard (100)

    United States
    We all realize there is good and bad music. I too belive there is good rap but again it is very influential, now all children are throwing away values like sex after marrige and no cursing, cursing is just a game to the modern day adolescent, it not good its not funny, and music is just the same, support the good shun the bad, yet all we can do is say MORE MORE MORE. Take a stand, iuts not about the beat, its about the message, what has happened to this generation? Leave this aurthor alone, she is free to express herslef.
    August 13th, 2008 at 02:25am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    People are allowed to disagree with you. Smiley
    August 12th, 2008 at 10:27am
  • Fortune.

    Fortune. (200)

    United States
    Hello, this is a message by the author who wrote this article.

    First of all, i love Rap and Hip-hop. It was what i lived for. I wanted to be a rapper, and boy was i serious.

    I know rock has some of the characteristics rap does, i love rock too.

    I have seen people are saying I am contradicting myself, but if you read it the right way, i do not voice my own opinion in the article upfront. I just give you facts. I did not say that rap is retards attempting poetry, I just stated that it's what some people think.

    I do recognize it is freedom of speech and I'm not blaming anyone or rap, I'm just asking what your opinion is on the issue, NOT THE ARTICLE.

    I really don't appreciate hate mail, so please if you don't have a valid opinion about the issue, don't send me stuff saying the article is trash.

    Thanks- Teenagers to the end.
    August 12th, 2008 at 02:02am
  • Vanya Hargreeves.

    Vanya Hargreeves. (100)

    ...It's funny how some people are ranting at the author of this article.
    I don't understand how it's her fault.

    I have nothing against rap music. In fact, I love rappers like Eminem. I do agree that some things are a little too sexually explicit though; but that applys to any genre of music, really.
    August 11th, 2008 at 08:17pm
  • Edward Cullen14

    Edward Cullen14 (100)

    United States
    I agree with the person below me.
    Dont trash it, and no its not raps fault.
    Yes some talk about the wrong things, but it sells.

    Alot of rappers just do it to sell. But for the idiots who mean it, thats them. Just cause a few are dumb, doesnt mean we should blame it all.

    Because I love Rap/Hip hop. And Rock music, from screamo, to punk. And I enjoy both.

    So truthfully, its not the genre cause alot of rappers do what they have to to make a living.
    August 11th, 2008 at 08:15pm
  • taking back sunday.

    taking back sunday. (105)

    United States
    Rap has gotten a bit too far. But people need to realise. Its not just rap. Look at even the stuff your listenin too. Stop being so high and mighty about Rock Music [ any sub-genre included ]. Sure, I love it. But I also respect Rap.

    Just because you don't listen to it doesn't mean its trash. =]
    August 11th, 2008 at 07:58pm
  • LostandForgotten

    LostandForgotten (1750)

    The idea that they are not going to far becauseit is 'self-expression' is a joke. I've seen a few comments saying you can't go to far with sef expression. Well you do know people kill other people as a form of 'self expression'? Is that not too far? Most of these songs arn't self expression at all anyways. They're promotion of the bad parts of our culture.
    August 11th, 2008 at 07:36pm
  • Ola Salo

    Ola Salo (100)

    Rap music is awesome.

    It's our own fault that [i]some[/i] rappers write inapproriate songs, as we are the ones to buy it. They are trying to make a living, so they will sell what we will buy. Just boycott those songs that you find appropriate, and don't buy 'em for your kids, and everything will be great. This problem is most common in America, as sex sells there. There are very few rappers in Scandinavia who sings about girls in a degrading way, for example.

    And you can't hate rap for the bad lyrics, because there are so many great songs out there by rappers. Y'all say you're so open-minded when it comes to everything between styles and sexuality, but 99% of the people on Mibba are so god damn narrow-minded when it comes to music, it's ridiculous. Believe it or not, Britney Spears or PCD can have something on their hearts and write it down that's just as important as a song of Billie Joe Armstrong.
    August 11th, 2008 at 07:31pm
  • wxyz

    wxyz (240)

    Aland Islands
    "Rappers are NOT retards attempting poetry..ur contradicting yourself by calling rappers a retard in one paragraph and then praising 2pac in the next. basically, ur calling all rappers a retard, including 2pac."

    Did you read the article properly? The author didn't describe rappers as retards attempting poetry as her opinion.
    There's a difference between "Rap is described as retards attempting poetry" and "I think that Rap is just retards attempting poetry".
    August 11th, 2008 at 07:30pm
  • psychogirl

    psychogirl (100)

    United States
    In every genre there are songs and artist that talk about drug,sex,death and booze,but that doesn't mean that there aren't good artists and songs. You just need it look harder for it. People make their own choices, we shouldn't blame music for their mistakes.
    August 11th, 2008 at 07:29pm
  • wxyz

    wxyz (240)

    Aland Islands
    I completely agree with this article. I've heard so many rap music lyrics that (a) mean absolutely nothing and (b) are really too far in terms of degrading women, and using drugs, violence etc.
    Okay, so my CD collection (majority/all being rock) doesn't contain the cleanest lyrics in the world, but at least the lyrics are meaningful and aren't seemingly encouraging bad things such as the ones explained in the article.
    There are actually also some rock songs I have (and like) that are about sex, but are, more often than not, possibly always, fairly jokey, and in good nature.
    August 11th, 2008 at 07:25pm
  • faster.

    faster. (300)

    United States
    Music is unique to the individual(s) creating it. There's really no way it can "go too far". If somebody feels something has, they don't need to listen to it.

    and any form of music causing pregnancy, violence, and the like is also ridiculous. People can watch war movies and not go out bomb the next day, right?
    August 11th, 2008 at 07:08pm
  • trent lane.

    trent lane. (100)

    United States
    i like both rap & rock.
    rock more, i can relate to it more.
    but one rapper i will always, always like is tupac shakur.
    what he wrote & rapped was poetry.
    what 50 cent 'raps' is not poetry,
    it's garbage.
    i like lil wayne & lupe fiasco, eminem & stuff,
    but i agree that some of their lyrics degrade women.
    & i'm against the whole violent thing.:[
    you wanna listen to REAL rap, something with a message:
    go listen to tupac.
    i have friends who outright destest rap, but love & admire tupac.
    rock music pushes the limits, as does rap.
    pretty much every kind of music has gone against the limits.
    so don't just point out rap or rock.
    August 11th, 2008 at 06:33pm
  • LiL_McR_FaN

    LiL_McR_FaN (100)

    United Kingdom
    Its like eminem, he doesnt take rap too far. Rap's not bad, its just some of the people that listen to it take things too seriously
    August 11th, 2008 at 06:10pm
  • WayWord

    WayWord (100)

    United States
    um first off rap is NOT the cause of so much chaos in the world..that's the peoples fault
    second rappers are NOT retards attempting poetry..ur contradicting yourself by calling rappers a retard in one paragraph and then praising 2pac in the next. basically, ur calling all rappers a retard, including 2pac.

    i happen to like rap..i used to DETEST rock like some ppl detest rap, but i've become more OPENMINDED and now they are the only two genres i listen to

    yes, rap has degrading lyrics that goes against wat 2pac said (respect women and each other, stop the violence, etc) but they only write that stuff to get to the top of the charts and MAKE MONEY..have u ever heard a song about running through a pile of pretty flowers and rainbows and everything nice make it to #1 on the billboard? NO,of course not.

    so no, rap is not blamed for the negative things..plus ppl who listen to rap for real, aren't listening to the mainstream shit..they're listening to the underground rappers who rap about life on the streets and how hard it is for them to make it anywhere or get money to eat, or how hard it is to cope with a loss of a loved one who died by a gunshot..those lyrics and those rappers (and they're many of them) are the ones being listened to...not the mainstream crap you all listen to and immediately judge and knock down

    go hear some underground rap and you'll see that 2pac and all that he said will live on forever
    now i'ma stop ranting...
    August 11th, 2008 at 05:24pm
  • vaporwave

    vaporwave (160)

    Believe me, as much as I would like to disagree, I can't. The saddest thing I see is the fact that girls at my school actually like the so-called 'gangsta rap'. It makes me want to smack them for being so stupid.

    See, all music has its asthetic values, but it is hard to find them in gangsta rap. Like you said, 2Pac wrote poetry, unlike what filters through today.
    August 11th, 2008 at 04:40pm