Emos in the World

Emos in the World Emo. You've all heard it. Right? So why is it so hard to understand a few things? Emo is short for emotional. We love to show emotions. We're not afraid to kick, scream, cry, be happy. Emo's are really cool people. Not all emos cut. Not all try to kill themselves.

So why can't most of the teenage population get along with emos? Its because they're afraid to stand out. So they figure calling names and telling emos to cut themselves and rot in a hole will get them in the 'in crowd'. What I want to know is why we can't get along? Everyone is emotional. Preppy people have times where they want to cry. Gangsters have times when they want to cry. Punks, Scenes, any other label you have, they all have times where they want to cry.

That doesn't make everyone emo. It just means they're normal. What I want to see before I die is a gay man and a gangster shake hands and say, "You're a good friend." Because that is what society needs. Kids can't beat up other kids because of what they listen to. Or what their fashion choice is. Because that is a hate crime.

I watched video after video on YouTube.com about emos. News stations decided they have to report emos. And every video I watched had My Chemical Romance in it. If they were a good news station and actually did their research, they'd know that My Chemical Romance is 100% against self harm, suicide, and anything along those lines. If you listen you can always get a message out of 'emo' music.

Say I'm not very professional. I don't care. I just want all you people in the world to know that is how a lot of people feel.

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