Twilight Haters: Why Blame The Vampires?

Twilight Haters: Why Blame The Vampires? I first read 'Twilight' back when it was first released, you see I am a vampire novel junkie and will read anything from Anne Rice (my favorite) to the silly paperback romances of 'Lindsay Sands'.

I thought the book lacked in many area. The plot was semi-unoriginal, the characters although lovable were not convincing. One thing that got me frowning was the fact so many people were after Bella's heart. Yes, she was lovely, everything but she was awkward, and in real life, if a girl like her moved to a small town like that she would not be so drooled over. It seemed that Meyer wanted every girl who read it to wish they were she, which was nice, but instead of adding to the reading experience, I felt it made her too Mary-Sue. I also felt that even though it was very nice to see a well put together vampire novel for young adults it was well a bit lacking in intensity (something made up for in the later books). I was still reading Miss Rice at that time so let us say I was hard to impressed. Yet the book stuck in my mind and I still told others it was a nice book to cuddle up with after your boyfriend has dumped you and you are all out of ice cream.

Since Twilight has become all the rave many people have decided to hate it because it is popular, as many will often do, than there are those who think that Meyer is a bad writer and everyone is just so in love with the idea of spending forever with Edward Cullen that they over look the corniness of the story.

Let us look at 'corniness', shall we? Why is something corny? Because it is overused and predictable. Why is it overused and predictable? Because it is classic, it is something that works and therefore has been used repeatedly. Why is that always a bad thing? You can only be original so many times. The best we can do is to make our 'corniness' fresh.

To those who think 'Twilight' is the best series ever that is beautiful that you get enjoyment out if something, but it is not and will never be a great work of fiction forever remembered for its style and characters. It will live on in the hearts of fans who will grow up and pass it on to their daughters, it will never become required reading for school, it will be read and re-read by love starved teens during S.S.R. and lunch.

To those who think 'Twilight' is horrible and badmouths it every change they get: Grow up. It is just a damn book for god's sake. It gives a few years most of the fans will have moved on and their copies will be covered in dust sitting on a book self. If you are tried of hearing about it, pick up a great work of vampire fiction like Steven King's 'Salem's Lot' and tune them out. If you are tried of seeing articles about it written on Mibba, do not comment on it and say who you are tried of seeing it everywhere, because when you do you get people like me who make articles like this. Just let it go and live your life! Vampire free if you like!

Further more, there are plenty of other much better written vampire novels with meaningful, deep plots to be read so I bid you all farewell!

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