A Ban On Moshing? - Comments

  • wow, i didnt know they were trying to ban mosh pits.
    very good article.
    August 19th, 2008 at 12:06am
  • *shrug* How you interperated what I said isn't my problem really...

    And in any case these many accounts of injuries resulting from moshing are bolstering my points.
    August 18th, 2008 at 10:57pm
  • LostandForgotten, this is what you said: "It's time logic made a come back in the world!" which kind of implies that people who enjoy moshing are stupid...and then "Jeeze these arguement are almost sad..." Yeah, also not really the nicest way to word it.

    I didn't mean to insult you, and I'm pretty sure I didn't...but like I said, whatever. I call a truce; I'm done.
    August 18th, 2008 at 09:53pm
  • Banning mosh pits?
    Wow, I'd like to see them try xD
    If people wanna do something, it'll get done.
    Unless they plan on kicking almost the entire crowd out, they really can't do much of anything.
    I go to venues where there are signs, or things that are played through the speakers that say 'No moshing, crowdsurfing, etc.,' and the security doesn't do anything to stop it.

    I love moshing, if it got banned I'd be incredibly pissed.
    I still think this is ridiculous, like that Mother's Against hard Rock thing that happened a few years back xP
    August 18th, 2008 at 09:15pm
  • Why ban it? Just say they can't do it this one time, or because it's a certian venue. The House Of Blues doesn't permit moshing where I live because of the fact that it's an indoor venue and it's a rather small place (here).

    If you don't wanna get hurt, then stay away, if you get pushed in then kick someone's ass. YOU CAN AVOID IT! I'VE DONE IT!

    This was at my last concert when I was retarded (in a good way :p) enough to say, "Hey, wanna get in the mosh pits?" and I nearly broke my nose and passed out from blood loss. EMS was kind enough to release me and I got right back in it! Being the person I am, I like it, it's fun and I like the taste of adrenaline in my mouth. And... nearly breaking my nose was pretty fun for me so... yeah.

    Getting hurt is a risk you have to take. So... make the right choice.
    August 18th, 2008 at 09:06pm
  • Every broken bone I've ever gotten has come from moshing; a shattered knee cap, fractures in my index and middle fingers, my right forarm snapped twice, a shattered radial and several fractures in my left leg. I've also gotten three concussions and have just fainted twice in a mosh pit from lack of oxygen with all the crushing people, I've split my lip, gotten bruises, coughed up blood and gotten black eyes.
    Still, for every venue I've gone to there's a warning to mosh at your own risk; it's hella fun and I do it anyway, people know the risks of moshing, and if they don't like it they should find an arena concert with seats.
    August 18th, 2008 at 07:27pm
  • Car are a vaiable form of human tranpertaion - ie; and necesarry for people to have available. It is not 'necesarry' to have moshing pits. They serve no vaiable pupose other then people getting hurt. Which leaves that argument invailid.

    Oh and, I never insulted a single person's intelligence in my comment before. Not half as badly as you attempted to insult me. But in any case your argument is still full of holes.
    August 18th, 2008 at 07:13pm
  • Well, yeah, a lot of tragic things have happened in mosh pits, but just because something is dangerous doesn't mean you ban it. Like cars - people get killed in car crashes all the time, but that doesn't mean you'd get rid of all cars.

    And by the way, I wouldn't go around insulting people's intelligence with your comments, thanks.
    August 18th, 2008 at 05:51pm
  • Jeeze these arguement are almost sad... "It shouldn't be banned because it's fun." Do you know how many people have been trampled to death in moshing pits? And don't say 'oh well that's a risk when you enter a moshing pit."

    Tell that to the families of the dead moshers.
    August 18th, 2008 at 05:27pm
  • yeah i so second that if u dont wanna get bashed dont go in it...you have a choice...why ban something when its a choice not a requirement?!?!?! Moshing has been around forever.....why stop it now? i mean honestly the world is so paranoid right now that we have to have a law against everything that happens....someone gets hurt theres legislation against it. someone contracts a gnarly disease they have to dscriminate it. If something happens something has to be done about it.....how can u been a free spirit and be yourself when you constricted by the laws?
    August 18th, 2008 at 02:46pm
  • If you don't want to get hurt, why are you even at the front?
    I know a girl who broke several ribs at a Lostprophets gig because she got crushed against the barrier. There was no mosh pit; the venue was too packed for that.
    If you ban moshing you might as well ban the concerts. People go to shows for the atmosphere and moshing's a part of that.
    Having said that, there has to be a limit -a pit etiquette, if you like.
    I once went to a gig where everyone was just generally haing a good time, in the pit and out. Then this other guy (a chav for reference, so who knows why he was at the gig) came in and started beating single people up. This wasn't random punches from a swinging arm. I'm talking about aimed hits and kicks at random people. I didn't know him from Adam, and I took a couple of hits to the face. Security did nothing to stop it, but were perfectly willing to shove the crowd and barrier back when they got too close to the stage.
    In my opinion, that's where the line has to be drawn. When people are picking personal fights in the pit (with people they do or don't know), it's ridiculous, and the pit itself loses it's meaning and turns more into a bare-knuckle fighting arena.
    While the pit's for the music, let it be.
    August 18th, 2008 at 12:41pm
  • Dude, don't go in the pit if you don't want to get pushed around. You can't ban that, it's gonna happen with huge crowds like that.
    I LOVE moshing. And if someone falls or gets hurt, people usually help them up and shit. This is why concerts are so fun
    August 18th, 2008 at 08:07am
  • dam moshing IS like a sport!
    so fun!

    and even if it was banned at conerts, people deffinatly would still do it

    yeah ive been knocked to the ground before but everyone just picks you up...usually =]

    but really, people need to understand that if they are goin to a hardcore rock concert, theyre gunna get shoved hit or beaten. its just they way it is!

    haha loved this article! <3
    August 18th, 2008 at 07:58am
  • To be honest the whole idea of a moshing pit seems incredibly ridiculous to me... I just don't get why you would want to do that... "Oh I feel like getting hit around in a group of people today." Like really people. Sounds like an excuse for drunks to screw around really...

    It's time logic made a come back in the world!
    August 18th, 2008 at 05:54am
  • i ahve been in plenty of mosh pits where if people have fallen, other's have helped them up. Its not all bad, its just ment to be fun! banning that would be stupid. And to say that its obstructing people's view, well, they should know, coming into a concert like that, that there is going to be some form of moshing going on. If they don't like that, either get another seat option, instead of main floor, or stay clear of where the moshing occurs. It's really that simple.
    August 17th, 2008 at 02:52pm
  • I have to agree with F.M. . If you don't like all that kind of stuff (shoving,falling,getting injured and what not,) just don't go or go somewhere else or the seats are an option.
    I just think moshing,crowdsurfing,... just goes with the shows.
    August 17th, 2008 at 01:28pm
  • I've seen people mosh to stuff like Paramore. Which was quite odd...
    I don't think moshing is a bad thing, if you didn't want to do it, then you could just not get involed.
    August 17th, 2008 at 01:10pm
  • -cough- it won't happen.
    Security guards can't make sure that thousands of kids won't mosh.
    People complain too much. If you don't wanna get hurt, don't go to shows, or go in the seats.
    I'm proud of my battle scars.
    August 17th, 2008 at 01:02pm
  • go see suicide silence
    and see how brutal moshing can get
    August 17th, 2008 at 12:19pm
  • Oh come on! Ban on moshing? No way. People who don't wanna take the risk may just as well stand/sit in a different area. Moshing is a behaviour instituted by euphoria, adrenaline, and banning it would be simply stupid. Only someone who has done moshing and/or serious headbanging knows what it feels like.
    Besides, if you feel things are going out of control, use your instincts to protect yourself (arms around your head, departing if possible, ect).
    August 17th, 2008 at 12:06pm