A Ban On Moshing? - Comments

  • also, if you don't want to be in a mosh pit bloody buy seat tickets!!
    its your choice if you want to be in one. ¬_¬
    August 17th, 2008 at 11:34am
  • You can't ban moshing.
    If you don't like it don't go to a rock concert.
    What are we going to do? Just stand there nodding. Moshing is a way of showing that we like the music.
    It's a stupid idea getting moshing banned.
    If they do I obviously won't stop jumping. and headbanging. PST please.
    August 17th, 2008 at 11:33am
  • Moshing is fun, if you dont want to get hurt then dont be in the mosh pit... I got my first black eye in the Parkway drive mosh pit but it was so fun I didnt even care. The adreline rush is incredible and I've also met amazing people in mosh pits. If I ever feel it is getting too harsh then I leave the mosh area, its not hard... mosh pits are all part of the experiance and if we dont mosh how do we display our love of the music? Stand there like drones??? I dont think so!
    August 17th, 2008 at 10:55am
  • this pretty much makes me feel pretty old. I mean the whole fun part of going to concerts is the
    fact that your away from any sort of constrictions and have the time of your life. my first mosh pit was at a thrice show. I remeber standing around waiting then suddenly the band started and everyone started swaying side to side. I was completely shocked at first but I turned it around and started to have fun even though I feel and got stepped on. people know that if you don't want to do it you don't have to you just move off to the side and watched the band. and people doing it know not to be complete assholes and slam and hit people that aren't in it to begin with. I also understand some people have died in concert i.e smashing pumpkins, limp bizket its unfortanate. i personally would rather just stand and sing along but if its a edgier band i will mosh. i mean what next are they going to ban circle pitting ? :O:O
    August 17th, 2008 at 10:05am
  • I can see the dangerous side. A kid from around here got a concussion at the summer's biggest radio sponsored concert and ended up dying the next day. Seriously though, he didn't need to go in there in the first place.

    I for one enjoy moshing. It's a lot of fun. It's just stupid that all the assholes out there have to ruin it for the people in there simply for the fun of it.
    August 17th, 2008 at 07:45am
  • I love mosh pits. Banning them is absolute BS! It's all part of the experience and if you cant handle it, don't go in it. Or better yet, just stay home because you'll just be ruining other people's fun. I want to feel like almost fainting, I want to feel exhausted the next day and I want the best experience possible! Mosh pits rocks!
    August 17th, 2008 at 06:27am
  • And in moshpits, all I walk out with is a few minor bruises, which all have an amazing story to tell.
    August 17th, 2008 at 06:14am
  • ahh i've been to so many concerts...and have yet to be in the mosh pit :[
    due to the fact that my parents dont want me to die.
    i dont mind if people mosh it doesnt bother me one bit...im just a little bit jealous that they get the freedom to run around and do crazy stuff while im stuck up on the seats wishing i was down there.
    August 17th, 2008 at 06:12am
  • The whole point of a mosh pit is to go crazy and get hurt. People are stupid. I mean, they are good, people help each other up and all. You're not like, forced to go in. Good article, just sucks people have to ruin everything
    August 17th, 2008 at 06:12am
  • That is retarded. Like serious. Don't enter the pit, if you don't want to take a risk.

    Please leave the pit up to me. Moshing Monster.

    August 17th, 2008 at 06:06am
  • Banning moshing is stupid.

    I mean, really when you go into a mosh, expect to get hurt. It happens. I've popped my knee out of place in one, but I had a blast doing it.

    Moshing has been around for so many years. It's part of rock concert culture. Don't go into one and if you are in one, if someone falls help them up. It's not that hard.
    August 17th, 2008 at 05:52am
  • I saw the title to this article and I was like O.O NOWAY!
    There's no point going to a rock show if you're just gonna stand on the side and just... stand.
    That's why there's mosh pits! Duh.
    Seriously, you shouldn't ban it just 'cause there's some jerks in there. Everyone who goes into a mosh pit, goes in knowing that it's potentially dangerous.
    I've been whacked a few times, sprained a wrist, suffered from some pretty gnarly bruises, but it's totally worth it.
    August 17th, 2008 at 05:50am
  • I think banning on moshing is dumb.
    I mean people know what happens in the moshpit.
    And they want to take the risk.
    Sure it will be a bitch when you get hurt or get badly injured.
    But hey it happens in there.
    If you don't want it to happen then stay the hell away.
    Sorry to sound rude and mean but that's the truth.
    August 17th, 2008 at 05:24am
  • i mean sure, mosh pits can get out of hand, my dad broke like 4 ribs at a Subhumans concert a couple months ago, once when he was in high school he tripped and a dude with steel toes purposly kicked him in the face with full force and ppl do often just like randomly punch eachother in the face but so what, if u dont wanna get hurt dont go to a concert of a band with followers like that, its a risk people are willing to take. and if some people are moshing at a really um-mosh worthy place, just move away from them, and if the majority wants that, its what they get. I went to a concert once where every one was stoned, chill music was playing, blue light was shining on everything and one drunk dude tried to start a mosh pit, he got punched in the face and he was good the rest of the show!!!! see, the majority didn't want that!
    August 17th, 2008 at 05:06am
  • The venues should have the right to choose for themselves. I have just as much fun at Peabody's, which doesn't allow moshing of any kind, as I do at the Agora, which can get fairly insane due to the mosh pit. One of the best concerts I've ever been to was one in which I broke my nose in the pit. I reserve the right to choose for myself if I want to be in a pit or not, if the venue allows it.

    And for people who hate mosh pits...I've yet to find a venue that didn't have areas for people to stand in, so they can avoid the pits. If you can't handle the pit, STAY THE HELL OUT. It's not that difficult a concept to grasp, but you'd be surprised at the idiots who don't quite get it...
    August 17th, 2008 at 05:01am
  • I agree with Buddy Holly.
    They should assign a specific area for moshing and crowd surfing. It's much smarter (:
    Nice article by the way. :D
    August 17th, 2008 at 04:55am
  • People are to expect what is going to happen with (insert band name here that has a mosh pit) I mean really?
    If you know your going to a concert your going to know or at least heard of or was told about moshing / mosh pits / bodysurfing.
    I don't this is going to pass and it shouldn't be.
    August 17th, 2008 at 04:43am
  • I think that moshing shouldn't be banned.
    Its not like you HAVE to mosh.
    Yeah some people do get hurt but I mean honestly its their problem.
    Moshing is part of a concert.
    wouldn't be the same without it.
    August 17th, 2008 at 04:41am
  • Well, it's your own problem. You should be aware of what your getting into. If your a ten year old little teenie who decided to jump into the mosh pit..well..your fucked.
    August 17th, 2008 at 04:08am
  • sign a waiver...
    i really dont think will go well if they succeed
    people will stop going to concerts..
    at least the majority
    cause if they band moshing ....well crowd surfing isnt like a walk in the park either
    i know id stop going to concerts if they banned moshing or crowd surfing.
    its part of the experience
    August 17th, 2008 at 04:08am