All Time Low: Sell Outs?

All Time Low: Sell Outs? All Time Low just recently made their music video premiere, 'Poppin' On FNMTV. I've heard several things. "MTV is making them famous, it sucks," "Teenies are going to take over," & the infamous, "they are sell-outs." Let me ask you, how does a music video premiere, make someone a sell-out exactly? Attempting to achieve their dreams. If you had the chance to do what you want to do more than anything in the world, would you do it? I think so. All they are doing is making themselves more well known. Top of the charts. Have faith in them. They aren't going to forget about you.

For their Fall Tour, they released an all new fan club. 'The Hustler Club.' No, it's not for extra-special fans. It's for fans who want a closer look at things. As for the Meet & Greet, which goes along with the fan-club, that doesn't make them sell-outs either. They just want to give fans a guarantee that they will meet them. Even though they promised they would be out & about after every show, that doesn't mean that every single person is going to have the chance to meet them throughly, if not at all. If you are worried about not meeting them, get the Meet & Greet, it's well worth it, and you get to be in a club, with a free t-shirt, & exclusive news on upcoming events.

VMA's - Okay, so FNMTV gave online users a choice on who they wanted to win "Best New Artist" & "Best Rock Video". When Alex posted a blog asking for you all to vote for All Time Low, I seen a bunch of comments saying "sorry Alex, no" & "no way!" How is voting going to ruin anything besides their hopes? They didn't get the cut, but, I'm sure if the numerous people who refused would've voted, they could have cut it a little closer.

Just because they are climbing higher in their musical career, doesn't mean they are going to forget about the fans who were there along the way. Alex, Jack, Rian, & Zack are all down-to-earth people, who care about their fans' feelings. Who else would post an apology video about missing a show? They have amazing fans and they all know it. They aren't going to take advantage of what they have.

Be thankful that they still take the time to care about you all. Even the ones who think the worst.

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