Music: Saving Lives or Generic Entertainment? - Comments

  • steelcorpses

    steelcorpses (100)

    United States
    This was amazing
    I could relate 100% to it.
    My Chemical Romance is THE reason I am here.
    I don't care if people argue it
    because I don't care what anyone says,
    they are the reason I am alive.

    Hopefully people who are feeling hopeless will listen to them
    and maybe feel the same hope and inspiration that we did :D
    February 23rd, 2008 at 01:24am
  • Dae

    Dae (150)

    Technically a really good article (though pretty long, gotta take the time to read it).

    I do have to say that, when talking about the content that I understand what you're trying to say but do not completely agree with it.
    I used to think that way about music, too. In my case it was the band Good Charlotte. (I know, they're technically the worst band in the world, blahblah)
    Believing that they did save my life made me feel amazing at their concert, made me feel like flying, a feeling of euphoria I had never before encountered and can to my opinion not be recreated with any drug, or at least not the ones I tried. [Ok, ok. I only say this to sound cool, okaaaay.]
    However, nowadays my opinion is that music can have a huge influence on how you are doing mentally, but it does not save lifes. It does not hold your arms behind your back when you're trying to cut yourself.
    Music gives you hopes, expresses an opinion on a subject, like in this case suicide. Because people like me, and probably you believe music is something almost holy, we value that opinion very much, which is why we start thinking that way sooner.

    Or at least, that's just my opinion. =]
    January 29th, 2008 at 09:03pm
  • Pixie-Gates

    Pixie-Gates (100)

    Very well written article, especially with your personal perspective. I agree with a lot of what you said. Music and bands such as MCR have helped me in more ways than even I know, in the combination of lyrics that touch and inspire me, music that carries me away from the harshness of reality, and a singer's voice that literally cradles me off to sleep. Life is easier with such wonderful artists in it.

    ~ LC xxx
    December 6th, 2007 at 06:39am
  • Jojo.

    Jojo. (250)

    But you know, no band save my life. They just completed it. :D
    October 6th, 2007 at 10:10pm