Future's Bleak For Meyer's Next Novel - Comments

  • Again, who cares...
    September 1st, 2008 at 05:40am
  • *Runs in circles* NOOOONONONONO! She must release Midnight Sun! *Shakes Stephenie* NO! RELEASE. THE. BOOK.

    Xoxo,fuck sencrly[2 hard 2 spell]
    September 1st, 2008 at 03:28am
  • If she wrote Midnight Sun with a sad ending, at least it wouldn't be predictable.
    August 31st, 2008 at 04:31pm
  • Hmmm... some people are sounding off here. What is it with the hate stuff? I didn't compare R&J to E&B, although there are undeniable similarities. I said they'd probably be remembered down the ages like the story. And have some sympathy people; just because you think she's a dreadful writer doesn't mean that everyone should scrap her rights to privacy.
    August 31st, 2008 at 02:55pm
  • lmao woooo yay!!!! if she feels like she cant publish the new book that means no one will be plagued even more by her really bad writing! honestly, its all a big overreactance.... I don't really see the big fiasco about this book saga. I read 68 pages of the first one and that completely put me off.....
    August 31st, 2008 at 12:20pm
  • Ohohhh.
    Wouldn't you hate the be the person that leaked it? She knows who it is, and they must just be sitting in the home like "Damn..." and if she ever felt mean, she could just say who leaked it.
    August 31st, 2008 at 10:16am
  • I can understand why she's upset, but it is kind of her own fault. She shouldn't have given out the drafts, to be honest. And I do think she is over-reacting a tad too much. I mean, it was only a partial draft. And people leaked the ending to the last Harry Potter book, that doesn't mean JK Rowling ran to the publishers and stopped them from releasing it.
    Me and some other people where I live think that she's just annoyed that so many people hated Breaking Dawn, and she's... I don't know how to put it, if I say sulking it makes her sound like a little kid. But that's the only word to fit. She's sulking. Well, that's what we think.
    We're probably wrong though. We usually are. :)
    August 31st, 2008 at 10:15am
  • Every writer puts a piece of themselves into what ever we write.
    I'm sure by reading ANYONE'S story I can find out about your personality.

    Those mormon beliefs are hers therefore will show up in the book.
    And Romeo and Juliet were that passionite for each other.

    HELLO! They died for each other and were trying to do ANYTHING to be together. Just like Edward and Bella.

    But yes this does suck, majorly.And she is overreacting. She has to know that yes she is a kind of a big deal now and yes people will do this no matter who you think you can trust.

    If it was me I think I'd smile, I mean that many people really wanting to read just my drafts?
    August 31st, 2008 at 07:19am
  • I was so disappointed when I read about it on her site yesterday. I really wanted to read it, but now some idiot messed it up for everyone. I feel bad for what happened.
    August 31st, 2008 at 07:00am
  • I never actually read the series, but while I do think it's unfortunate what happened, she should have known better than to trust her first drafts to a very popular story in the hands of anyone other than herself or someone she can be sure wouldn't leak them.
    August 31st, 2008 at 06:45am
  • I was looking forward to Edward's version of Twilight. It anger me deeply that someone would be so careless and inconsiderate to do something like this. A lot of fans are going to be dissapointed.
    August 31st, 2008 at 06:31am
  • Thanks a lot to the person who messed this up for everyone else. I was so looking forward to the book and I am so upset to hear about this. She has every right to be upset I just wish that she would keep writting. What a waist.
    August 31st, 2008 at 06:03am
  • If anyone remembers Edward and Bella like people remember ROMEO AND JULIET, this world has seriously fallen victim to poor literature. I choose to believe that Edward and Bella are too dependent on each other and way too clingy, and will not think of them like Romeo and Juliet. The mere thought!
    August 31st, 2008 at 05:55am
  • I understand why Stephanie Meyer feels this way, but I think she's overreacting just a bit. I think that I, too, would be upset if I got bad reviews, and had someone I could trust leak my story, but I think that maybe that would also make me want to write it more, and change it up so it's not what people expected. The Twilight Saga is my favorite series, however "simple" and "messy" it is, because I don't think it's either. She really captured my interest by being so honest, pure, and correct with the human mind. And as for the "Mormon message"? Where exactly is that in Breaking Dawn? That makes no sense.

    Also for "comparing Edward and Bella to Romeo and Juliet", all of you need to read it again. The person who wrote the article isn't comparing Stephanie Meyer to Shakespear, she just said that EDWARD AND BELLA would be remembered the way ROMEO AND JULIET are remembered: A very good couple brought together under unlikely circumstances. Get a grip people. Stop being stupid.
    August 31st, 2008 at 05:43am
  • I find it kind of funny how you mentioned people "copying" work in an article about Meyer. Have any of you read The Vampire Diaries? They came out years before Twilight and are almost identical. And The Host has so many similarities to frigging Animorphs it's ridiculous. ANIMORPHS.

    I don't understand why these books are so popular. Yes, I have read them with an open mind. If she was a writer on this site, she'd get flamed so bad for her blatantly Mary!Sue characters and improper editing.
    August 31st, 2008 at 05:36am
  • She has every write to NOT want to continue at the moment or to continue. Personally I loved the books, including Breaking Dawn, though it was definitely not as god as the others. I feel horrible for her that what she wrote got leaked, especially when they tried to be careful.

    And even if someone hates all her writing, shouldn't people still be able to sympathize with the fact that something she didn't want read leaked onto the internet?

    And I agree, Romeo and Juliet is completely different from Twilight. There is really no similarity so trying to compare them makes no sense.
    August 31st, 2008 at 04:38am
  • oh get over it stephanie. she did put a lot of mormon shit in breaking dawn and not even a nice scene between bella and edward..very dissapointing.

    at least she somehow tied in Jacob.

    way too morman though

    ya dont compare her to the writings of romeo and juliette.

    boo fucking who. and I though that midnight sun was just suppose to be edwards p.o.v of "Twilight" WTF?
    August 31st, 2008 at 04:19am
  • I kinda agree with both of the 2 comments below me...twilightluver222 makes a good point , but viva la brooke is right about how she should WANT to write.
    August 31st, 2008 at 04:17am
  • I agree, don't ever compare her to Shakespeare.
    I also agree with not looking forward to reading Breaking Dawn.
    It took me forever to get through Eclipse, but I'm not going to trash the saga, because I did enjoy the first two books.

    But I can't even tell you how completely ridicuolous Stephaine Meyer's is being.
    Okay, I would too be pissed if chapters of my book were leaked, but still.
    If you are passionate about writing, about your characters, about this whole thing that you started, then you should just WANT to write.
    She has so many adoring and dedicated fans, to not complete the series is just ridicuolous.
    August 31st, 2008 at 04:03am
  • i think some of u guys have to get over yourselves, it's ficition! If you don't like her writing, some of us could careless! Don't go making rude comments about her writing, cause I can tell you that you would be sad if someone didn't like your writing or leaked it on the net! Would you?? I thought not. Personally, I like the saga, but even I say you can't compare it to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet....
    Well I am done with my rant, so whatever, just go on making nasty comments if u want, I just wanted that off my chest. And to twilight fans, let's hope she'll finish the book! :D ♥

    oh! and good article! :)
    August 31st, 2008 at 02:52am