50,000 for the Band Escape The Fate

50,000 for the Band Escape The Fate To no surprise, fans around the world of Escape The Fate would be extremely happy with their new song due out today. When posting a bulletin about it on Escape The Fate's official MySpace the band notified fans that they would have to visit this Buzznet page to listen to the song. Hundreds or thousands of fans scurried over to the page quickly only to hit a brick wall. The web page holding the melody had to be unlocked. More then 50,00 people had to be viewing the page at the same time to unlock the new track.

With this problem staring fans in the face people we're furious, some optimistic and some not even wanting to bother with it anymore. Quickly fans rushed to their preferred social network pages and posted blogs, bulletins, notes and anything you could think of asking their friends to visit the page to help them unlock the track. Some people going as far enough to make YouTube videos about it.

It seems as though this battle for the new song will never end. Since this afternoon the count has slowly built up to 20,000 and up viewers. Other fans leaving comments on the Buzznet page decided to get an idea to make the count go up. It seemed though as if you open up new tabs in any web browser you use and go directly to that page the count goes up. Suddenly more and more fans were becoming hopeful and determined to reach the count before it was there bed time.

Craig Mabbitt had made a comment about the situation with Buzznet saying, "Okay so everyone knows to go to the Escape the Fate page and click the link on the top, new song will be released once there is 50k people on the buzznet.com page. I appreciate every single person who is trying to get it there, but if it was up to me personally you would have the new song by now. All I can say is thank you so much to the supporters...Escape the Fate loves you guys, see you on tour soon!"

Hopefully it won't be too long until the new song is unleashed, and hopefully it's a song everyone will love. Although there has been issues with Craig being the new singer to the band due to Ronnie Radke being kicked out. Some fans are still not ready to except Craig as the new singer.

Will everything go smoothly for the new Escape The Fate when This War Is Ours is released on October 21, 2008 or will the band crash and burn?

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