
Villains Villains, an episode which shares the name of its volume, is to air on November 3rd (USA).

The title of the episode gives away the fact the episode is focussed around the darker characters of the show.

The NBC episode description states that the episode will focus on Sylar, Flint and Arthur, exploring the forces and familiar faces which turned them evil.

Using his ability to manipulate the time/space continuum, Hiro Nakamura travels back in time to follow Arthur Petrelli in the days before his ‘suicide’. Hiro supposedly discovers how Arthur ‘killed’ himself, what drove him to create Pinehearst and why he hates Angela.

The moment comes for Sylar; he gains the opportunity to suppress his murderous pursuit but only if HRG and his new partner, Elle have left their current assignment alone.

Company man Thompson is supposedly not dead, for those who don’t remember, Thompson was one of the major players at PRIMATECH paper in Odessa, Texas. HRG shot him when he as attempting to kill Matt Parkman when the pair were on their mission to take down the Walker Tracking System back in Season One. Thompson some how survived the fatal shooting (rumour has it’s something to do with his genes!) could we have another Secret Petrelli on our hands? A Monroe? A Parkman? A Mendez?

Thompson is training Meredith Gordon, Claire’s biological mother so she can help PRIMATECH round up the villains, only her new life gets heated as her hot headed brother shows up. Flint? Probably, who’d have thought the two flame throwers were related. After all; You can’t choose your family…

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