
Duality Originally believed to be called War, the thirteenth chapter of Villains is infact called Duality. And it looks to be a pretty nasty finale.

The heroes finally team up on either the side of good or the side of evil and the good and bad starts to show in all of them. The ultimate test is upon them.

After the showdown with Arthur Petrelli, the original Petrellii brothers Peter and Nathan find themselves pitted against each other and Nathan makes a move which will have repercussions for the rest of the world.

Sylar holds Claire, Noah, Meredith and Angela hostage at PRIMATECH and a face off gets started.

Hiro needs rescuing and Matt, Daphne and his old pal Ando struggle to free him.

And Mohinder Suresh becomes the only hope…

A rumour is circulating the internet about the fate of the man in horn-rimmed glasses aka Noah Bennet. Apparently Claire will murder her father believing he is against her and it is the right thing to do. The cheerleader and the writers will regret it as one of the fan favourites will only be around for flashbacks.

Spoiler images show Hiro with his mother and a dead, bloody Elle with her lover, Sylar pouring lighter fluid onto her body. It is unclear what is happening in the heroes universe, but it clearly isn’t good…

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