Bryan Fuller Returns To Heroes

Bryan Fuller Returns To Heroes Daisies loss is officially now Heroes gain. After weeks of rumours it has been confirmed, Bryan Fuller is rejoining the writers at Heroes. He’s been bought in to replace Jesse Alexander and Jeph Loeb, who were fired last month after several disagreements over the plot of the show as well as the budget.

Apparently Fuller will receive more story control this season as well as the upcoming fourth season which despite negative reviews, is set to be happening.

Fuller wrote Company Man, the fan favourite episode of Heroes; with one of the highest ratings the show has seen.

Fuller’s contract is said to be worth $1 million, but could be worth more if he comes up with more episodes like Company Man.

Fans are overjoyed at the gain of such a fantastic writer. One fifteen year old fan exclaimed:

“Fuller was probably the best writer they’ve had throughout, Company Man was so different to all the others, it focussed on the same characters [the Bennets, Parkman and Ted] for the whole episode. I can’t wait to see what he’ll bring to the show.”

It would appear Fuller has an expectation to meet and most people are certain he’ll exceed it.

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