Bryan Fuller Explains Fugitives

Bryan Fuller Explains Fugitives In his new roles as Writer and Producer on Heroes, Bryan Fuller has been getting involved in the plot of the coming Fugitives arc and has revealed what is to come as well as his current disappointment with Villains.

Fuller wants Heroes to return to its first season glory. He doesn’t like how the once clear metaphors have become “muddled” within the past two seasons. His belief is that the show has become too dense and it’s defaced the drama.

"I thought the "Villains" arc started out very interestingly, and then became sort of muddy and dense and I couldn’t get my hooks into the characters to understand their motivations."

The big question for Fuller is if Fugitives will be any different. According to Fuller the writers are putting the characters back in place; everything will be how it started. Peter will be a paramedic, Claire will be searching for colleges, Matt’s ex-wife (Janice) will return with the results of Matt’s “super baby” and the stories will be told differently, with less covered per episode and one big story tying everything up.

It looks like fugitives will be more like Genesis than Generations or Villains could ever have hoped to be...

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