Team Max vs. Team Ronnie, which side is right?

Team Max vs. Team Ronnie, which side is right? As many Escape The Fate fans will know, Ronnie Radke is currently in prison due to violating his probation and is possibly facing 4 years in jail for it. Many fans choose to be in one of two sides, Team Max or Team Ronnie. There are fans from either side who decide to write inappropriate comments on the other 'team' and it seems to be getting out of hand. Many people believe that the former best friends Ronnie and Max have their differences and it is true that Ronnie claimed that he no longer wants to see Max, however in a recent article for Las Vegas weekly, Max has revealed his views on the whole situation the feud has created and explains things that members of 'team Ronnie' may not have known.

He shows that the band gave Ronnie chances so he could stay in the band but soon it became hard for the band to keep going due to Ronnie himself, Max said that we had an offer on the Take Action Tour to co-headline, we had a conference call with the owners, our management, our booking agent, our label and us all on the phone together and they decided not to put us on the tour just because of Ronnie’s history. The same thing happened with the (Alternative Press) tour, we couldn’t do that because of problems with our singer; he had burned so many bridges. So after he was kicked out of the band, I told him ‘Listen man, I want you in this band. You and I had started this … and put this band together, so let’s finish it together.' However Ronnie decided to go down a different route.

Some fans may claim that Max is making Ronnie look bad and some fans blame Max for Ronnie's downfall however he states that I’m not a saint, I did a lot of drugs with Ronnie, but when it came time to shape up or ship out, I chose my path and he chose his. Max also said I’m not trying to paint a picture of him as a big drug monster because he and I were right there along with each other. Surely by saying this he cannot be blamed? Now it seems that it is for the fans to decide which side they want to be on, but surely there should be no sides or teams, fans should make peace with the opposing side and learn that both Ronnie and Max decided their paths and that neither team is right, for both Ronnie with his new band From Behind These Walls and Max with Escape The Fate need their fans support no matter what feud there is between them.

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