Ronnie vs. Max: And Why We Shouldn't Even Bother

Ronnie vs. Max: And Why We Shouldn't Even Bother Ronnie vs. Max, it seems to be a phenomenon sweeping the Mibba community. I find it to be rather silly myself. As a fan of the older Escape The Fate, I am not a fan of Craig Mabbit. But by no means do I think that he "stole" Ronnie's position as lead singer. I dislike Craig's vocals, and find him to sing rather generically, in what some call the "emo/screamo" genre of music. On almost every music fan site that has anything to to with the current bassist, or former singer there seems to be people that are choosing sides. And defending them in an extremely vicious manor. I see it as hurtful because like anyone that is well known, seems to like to check what is said about them. I know Escape The Fate does, I know that for a fact. It seems today that the fans are really caught up in a battle that is not their own. Few, if any can say that they know Ronnie, and/or Max personally.

Can you imagine how they feel when they read people badmouthing them when they do not even know them? I can, it would hardly feel very nice. Calling them druggies or whatever can hurt. Yes, Ronnie and Max formerly used drugs. And one may still, but there is no proven fact to back that up. How can you judge these people? Even more important, why are you putting them so high up. No matter how good looking, they are humans. You cut them they bleed, Just like the rest of us people. I've seen so many articles on various sites and many comments, as well that bash one or the other. My point here is that they are people too. Not heartless fiends, or monsters. They have feelings too. Also, it is not really our place to judge Craig. Its not right to hate on him because "he stole the band from Ronnie." To be entirely honest. As much as I love Ronnie, he put himself in that position.

Another point I'd like to make...

Do you honestly think that mailing a million letters to the parole board is going to get Ronnie out sooner? I think not, being a member of the board of parole and getting 600 letters a week saying "I love Ronnie, he is really a good person!" is going to help? No, what it is going to do is show that he has a million obsessed fans that may give him money, which in turn could get him back into drugs. Thinking of this as a member that was what popped into my head. Ronnie wasn't a good person, although he did not personally kill the kid. His initiation of the fight was what caused the kid to be killed. No fight, the kid would be alive. So it is partially although not directly his fault. I am not hating on Ronnie, just once again trying to show you that everyone screws up.

Also... It was Max that Ronnie, was going to defend. In that, Max screwed up as well. It seems that everyone involved has simply made things worse. Like Craig's recent snide remarks about Ronnie. This whole picking sides thing is very disturbing, at least to me. As they need to sort their issues out on their own. I know you are all fans...But seriously, just leave the rude comments alone and let them work it out on their own. As a neutral party, I say just let it be. And let them work it out without any commentary.

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