Twilight: How Did it Become so Popular? - Comments

  • twili
    February 27th, 2009 at 11:06pm
  • i like love twilig
    February 27th, 2009 at 11:06pm
  • i like l
    February 27th, 2009 at 11:06pm
  • Heard it all before. When you tackle a topic like the Twilight books it needs to have a semblence of originality. I stopped reading the article after you started talking about Bella's truck.
    February 26th, 2009 at 03:52am
  • I do enjoy reading twilight, but more so I know what my friends are talking about. And writting style is all opopion. one book series all my friends love i can't stand. it's the writting style, not the plot.
    February 25th, 2009 at 10:18pm
  • I read Twilight before it was.. cool? Yes, i'll go with that. I was at least ten, i think, and I was a strong reader for my age. I thought it was alright- but as soon as I read New Moon I stopped reading the series. I mean, comeon, Edward left Bella for about 300 pages and it was very boring. (If you didn't read New Moon yet, sorry!)
    When the movie started getting popular, I went and saw it. It was.. unique, now how I thought it would be, but good. I reread the first two and read the other two, just finished Breaking Dawn about a month ago.
    Great series, truely it is, but Bella, the clumsy, dull human, and a vampire? Not the greatest plot. But i'm a sucker for romance.
    February 25th, 2009 at 03:48am
  • Great insight, great article.

    I won't bow down to the hype and read the books. But I went and saw the movie. And it was good entertainment...nothing more...nothing less.

    The whole shiny/sparkly vampire thing turns me off the books though. I prefer books with 'real' vampires...:)
    February 25th, 2009 at 03:42am
  • In all honesty, I'm tired of hearing about Twilight, good or bad. I mean, I'm not talking about your article (of course not, haha! please don't take it the wrong way), but I totally agree with you about the popularity and all. It's a book (and movie). Big whoop.

    So it was a pretty okay book. But Twilight lovers need to get over it and calm down, because at this point, we ALL know how "great" (or not so great) it is.

    So it wasn't the greatest book ever. But Twilight haters should shut up and stop criticizing already, because seriously, the book wasn't the WORST ever. It just wasn't great. So what?

    I won't lie. I used to be pretty obsessed with Twilight myself, but even the most crazy fans (which I wasn't) can get tired of it. It was all good up until the point where the whole school was infested with Twilight crazed fans and their Edward Cullen t-shirts. That was when it got just plain ridiculous. It was also when I saw the light and realized how, like you said, Stephenie Meyers writes no better than a talented middle schooler.
    February 25th, 2009 at 03:16am
  • She really needs to learn to save herself!
    February 25th, 2009 at 03:09am
  • Don't like them at all.
    I read Twilight before it got all crazy and I didn't like it at all. The plot was alright, but nothing too special, but maybe if it wasn't so poorly written I may have actually enjoyed reading it. I put it back in my closet and completely forgot about it until all the hysteria over it started. I couldn't believe me and my friends were talking about the same book, so I dug it out from my closet and tried to read it again. Couldn't do it. I just don't get it, never will.
    February 25th, 2009 at 02:44am
  • I have read the stories.
    I read them along time ago, and I really liked them
    In my opinion, no one should see the movie before they at least read twilight, because things change, and tons of things are left out. Like how Victoria at the dance with Edward and Bella, inside, staring down at them from the window. Wtf??? That never happened.

    Anyways, yes, alot of people I hear are getting obssesed. I havent seen it. Only parts. I noticed that ever since the movie came out, or before it did, and peple heard about it, more and more people started reading it.

    I even saw more dudes, who said they would never read the book ever, go to the movie, and because the movie was pretty good, read the books. To some, they finished, alot no.

    The movie in my opinion as well should have been better, but it was better then expected. Some of the characters like Alice played there parts much better then I thought.

    And I hang with alot of girls, I see tons of them reading the books, and i have even suggested reading them, but I havent seen people fighting over it, its not that bad.

    Nice article. I dont agree with everything you said, but I can see where you came from on some of the main points.
    February 25th, 2009 at 02:10am
  • Good luck saying that in the real world....

    I mean lets be honest.Take all the ladies in the U.S.A. Take a survey on if you like Twilight. At the least 85% love it. And the rest have at least heard about it.

    I was a fan from the beginning. Before Twilight was popualar. (All though I must admit, it is much more apealling now that I have other "Twilovers" around me) I know the newer Fans are crazy somtimes.

    The movie was nothing like the book. Thy left out so much, and put in there own parts where they pleased.I did not like the choice of Bella's charecter AT ALL! Robert Pattinson is not what I expected, but none the less, a good Edward. The only charecter I really thought was in place was Jacob (Taylor). And now there are rumors spreading around that he is being replaced?

    I do not agree with your articale but you do have the rght to your opinon as much as anyone else. =]
    February 25th, 2009 at 02:01am
  • I read Twilight when it first came out and no one had ever heard of it. I only heard of it from a reading teacher. I gave up on the series when the movie came. I mean I still read it, but the newer fans are...crazy

    Seriously if You want to think they're crazy then you don't know. Please read my article "Twilight Fans Take Things To Far"
    February 25th, 2009 at 01:19am
  • i agree with YouReallyHadMeGoing. at the time Twilight came out i was obseesed with vampires. i still am.

    i'm one of the original fans. the crazy fans are fans because of the movie not because of the book.

    i like your opinion but this isn't an article. this is your opinion so it should be put into a journal.
    February 24th, 2009 at 11:55pm
  • Urgh, can't we all shut the hell up about Twilight, seriously!?
    February 24th, 2009 at 11:42pm
  • The Vampires are not perfect. They are only perfect in Bella's eyes. Not everyone else's. I think that Stephenie did great with the series and with coming up with different, unique characters.
    February 24th, 2009 at 11:16pm
  • Well, I saw the movie, it was dissapoining. But that's only because I wanted more 'vampiric' scenes, lie blood, lust. I hated the way the effect were, it made m think "why can't she talk normaly?".
    I'm reading he book now, I can't see how she's in love wit him, they don't even talk to each other until page 37, and she's obsessing about him, a little too much.

    But I'll read the book and see if it makes me intrested :)
    February 24th, 2009 at 10:30pm
  • ok the first book was good, yes it was slow to start, but it picks up later on. but after... i think the fame got to her head and they went down hill.

    her writing is a bit weak, but who am i to complain.

    the movie was horrible, i couldn't believe the author was there and Oked it.

    the shiny skin was a cool idea
    February 24th, 2009 at 10:09pm
  • Yes the writing style isn't as advanced as many authors but it is an amazing plot in my opinion and still well written.

    I don't really mind that the vampires have "shiny" skin though it actually described as a shimmering effect which in my head makes sense, if anyone has seen an albino go in a sun they're skin seems to glow. Besides I like the fact the vampires aren't generic it means she thought about it and was creative
    February 24th, 2009 at 09:41pm
  • I agree, I am a twilight fan
    but I don't know the Bella Character didn't really catch that much of my attention, the only fact was that I'm as clumsy as her -____-'

    The writing style was kind of bad, but my writing isn't better to compare too so :(
    I in fact would love to know, how she came up with vampires glow part...
    and the movie I understand why the lack of effects and such, it was at low budget to what I understand, they do say though that new moon will be better, because of the high ratings that they've gotten for new moon.
    February 24th, 2009 at 09:38pm