Rock: Forgotten, Overlooked or Overshadowed? - Comments

  • ZombieBunnyKILL

    ZombieBunnyKILL (100)

    United States
    Meh. I'd be bothered if everyone was as obsessed with one crappy rock single as I was with the band.

    And I agree with free jazz. Rap is not that bad. The ones who have the balls to call it (c)rap or "retards attempting poetry" have no idea what they're talking about.
    March 24th, 2009 at 04:46am
  • only human

    only human (100)

    United States
    Seems like a lot of people on this site hate rap...

    Such a shame.
    March 24th, 2009 at 04:00am
  • Adam Glambert.

    Adam Glambert. (200)

    United States
    Meh. The only thing about music that annoys me is when rappers (or any artist of another genre other than rock itself) call themselves "rockstars."

    Other than that, I'm pretty happy with rock quote-unquote "not getting the attention it deserves." Gives me another reason to stand out at school, where it's all about country and rap...

    Or emo.

    No one's a punk kid around my neck of the woods, though. Go me. Score.
    March 24th, 2009 at 03:56am
  • Hellcat

    Hellcat (150)

    You know, radios have knobs, right? If you don't like what's being played, then change the effing station.
    March 24th, 2009 at 03:46am
  • tweezers.

    tweezers. (600)

    United States
    [i]When was the last time you heard of a rock artist, and I mean a real rock artist get the credit they deserve for their work and talent?[/i]

    Erm...U2? Coldplay? White Stripes? Bob Dylan? Green Day? Paul McCartney? Metallica? Have you been living under a rock?

    [i]A perfect example of a pop star getting more recognition than most rock artists is Britney Spears. Why does she get the large amount of attention that she does anyway? Is it because she actually has good music, or is the attention she receives because of her media stunts and provocative dancing, dressing, and even music videos and live performances?[/i]

    ...Because Britney Spears is a highly provocative dancer, singer, and entertainer, and we as a culture tend to gravitate towards acts like hers, because we are attracted to well-shaped sexually provocative young women? Don't be a hater, man. Britney's awesome. Just because you can't expand your mind beyond Avenged Sevenfold doesn't mean every other artist out there is complete and utter shit.

    [i]But when it comes to media attention how many of today’s artists are getting their attention from their music and not what they are doing in the public eye, or even media attention stunts? How many people of the media are actually paying attention to the music and not what the artists are doing either in their personal lives or what happens in their music videos? Do they choose to talk about them because of their music or because of what they are doing in their lives? Better yet do they even care the reason they are talking about them?[/i]

    [b]Oh my god.[/b] Where have you been getting your music news from? Perez Hilton? TMZ? [i]People[/i] magazine? Hate to rain on your parade, but there are [i]plenty[/i] of sources out there that focus on actual music, not the musicians' personal lives. Ever heard of [i]Rolling Stone[/i]? [i]Billboard[/i]? [i]Blender[/i]? [i]I Listen To Everything[/i]? Christ, you can even go to [i]Kerrang[/i] if you're really desperate. Just don't go claiming that [i]oh nobody pays attention to the music anymore[/i] when you haven't even actually [i]looked[/i] for any sources.

    [i]If I want to listen to nothing but rock then I will find the local rock station and listen to that or I will find the channel for hard rock on satellite radio. If I want to listen to nothing but country I will find the country channel. And if I wanted to listen to nothing but pop or hip-hop then I’d find the station for which ever of those I want to listen to. But if I want to hear a variety of music, the best of, or today’s hits I want a mix of all different types of music not just two.[/i]

    So let me get this straight. You want "today's hits" but only if those "hits" are rock. If they're pop or rap or hip-hop, then out the window with 'em, because they're automatically crap!
    My advice? Go to any music website (I prefer Rolling Stone, I Listen To Everything and Billboard when I'm searching for recent music) and look under [i]recent releases.[/i] Look for rock albums, and stop whining.

    [i]Is rock just simply forgotten and overlooked, overshadowed, or do people just no longer understand exactly what rock is?[/i]

    Rock is [i]evolving.[/i] Just because you don't like what it's evolving into doesn't mean it's dead.
    March 24th, 2009 at 03:25am
  • Careless Whisper.

    Careless Whisper. (310)

    United States
    You're so right. I agree so hard.
    I have always been a fan of rock music. Its basically all I ever listen to and its annoying to see it get completely overlooked. Children these days just have no taste, aye? ;)

    I prefer grunge rock. Seether has been my favorite band for YEARS now and they're finally getting a little more attention, though they aren't has hardcore rock as they were. Disclaimer II, anyone? Amazing.

    It gets on my nerves SO bad when I turn it to watch music videos on tv and its all Lil' Wayne and Britney Spears. Now, I know they have their fans. But would it kill them to play a little Disturbed? Framing Hanley? 10 Years? Dark New Day?
    For real people. There [i]are[/i] other genres than just rap and pop.

    Now, I agree with some people saying that it really shouldn't matter that they aren't so popular, but it sucks to see them not get the recognition they deserve.
    March 24th, 2009 at 02:35am
  • tyler joseph.

    tyler joseph. (100)

    United States
    XxLucyAnathemaxX, not to sound rude, but you need to get over the fact that bands you like will be played on the radio, and that "preppies" will like what they hear on the radio. Everybody is entitled to liek a song, y'know.

    [i]A perfect example of a pop star getting more recognition than most rock artists is Britney Spears. Why does she get the large amount of attention that she does anyway? Is it because she actually has good music, or is the attention she receives because of her media stunts and provocative dancing, dressing, and even music videos and live performances?[/i]

    Both. She was a trainwreck before and now she's doing alot better. That's why she's getting attention. She's always going to get attention. And I feel quite bad for her that media's always in her business and intrudingin her private life. Are you saying that's the kind of recognition bands like A7X deserve because of their music? I really don't think so.

    Just because a band you love isn't getting played on the radio doesn't mean they're not getting any recognition. Most of the bands I love are hardly ever played on the loacal rock station here, but I still know that there areplenty of people out there who recognize their talent.

    And "rock" is such a wide genre. There's like, 231453454564354 sub-genres to it. It'll never get overlooked. The same goes for pop and country music. Or any genre, for that matter.

    And if you want to hear rock music on the radio, listen to an all-rock station. That's what I do. *shrugs*
    March 24th, 2009 at 02:22am
  • GreenDay4Ever

    GreenDay4Ever (100)

    United States
    Just like with fashion, in different decades there are trends.
    Just so happens at this time hip-hop is on the rise.
    It's a cycle. Rock will come back on top eventually.
    No big deal. You don't need you favorite music to be popular to be happy.
    March 24th, 2009 at 02:14am
  • aluminum foil

    aluminum foil (150)

    United States
    Avenged Sevenfold should never ever [i]ever[/i] be considered real rock. It's so generic its pathetic. All the "real" rock today sounds the same. Try listening to the Who, or the Beatles. Possibly a bit of the Rolling Stones or Guns n' Roses. [i]That[/i] is real rock.

    Avenged Sevenfold? Not so much.

    Also, your article was way way too wordy. I got bored half way through.
    March 24th, 2009 at 02:14am
  • Silly_Girl

    Silly_Girl (350)

    United States
    Avenged sucks! Avenged sucks! They have no talent *falunt flaunt flaunt*
    March 24th, 2009 at 01:08am
  • Bunny Wiglesworth

    Bunny Wiglesworth (100)

    United States
    I do understand, our mix station hardly has any really good songs. You know good rock songs, and when they do, like hinder's Lips of an Angel and Saving Abel Addicted it gets so over played that I just can't stand them anymore.

    And hell my favorite station used to hardly play my fav band, a7x who I will be seeing in 12 days!, I mean I heard they play some of the recent stuff but not that often. They are the only good station for rock. They play both classic and the newer stuff.

    But I swear that is the ONLY station where you will find good rock music. It really sucks. The 80 fashion is returning but not how they treated rock.
    March 24th, 2009 at 12:56am
  • winterfell.

    winterfell. (450)

    United States
    I think a lot of people are missing the point of this article... It's not about not being able to listen to rock music( because as we all know, there's solutions for that like local stations that play all rock music) it's about rock getting proper recognition and being played along with a variety of other music.
    March 24th, 2009 at 12:50am
  • Lucy Anathema.

    Lucy Anathema. (355)

    United States
    Here's a scenario that's happened to me before:

    I hear this amazing song by a band from Texas. The band is Flyleaf and the song is "All Around Me". I buy the CD and see the vid on and love everything about Flyleaf.
    [i]Then the song gets on the 'effing [b]radio[/b].[/i]
    And all the little preppies in my school hear it and all of the sudden they're holding up the Rock N' Roll sign and saying they 'love' rock music.

    Do you just freaking hate that? And it kinda makes you wanna puke the next time you hear that song on the radio? (Another band that I used to like that this happened to was Red Jumpsuit Apparatus) That's why I got SIRIUS. (Octane, baby!)

    ONTO THE NEXT TOPIC! Guess who I'm going to see in concert tomorrow!? A7X and Papa Roach!

    *clears throat* My point has been made. (There was none.)
    March 24th, 2009 at 12:39am
  • EffieXSteffie

    EffieXSteffie (300)

    I think 'rock' well here, it's being over shadowed, where I live, the only thing I catch on the radio, is a music type called 'bailabel' which is almost like rap, hip-hop and latin music reggueton. I'm not the biggest fan from of those type of music, but that's all you get on the radio here, Miley Cyrus, Jonas brothers, Britney Spears and never any 'rock'
    Avenged sevenfold has never once been played on any radio station here, I know that without even listening to them.
    When I call to request a song...maybe my chemical romance, the radio guy ask me who that is...
    A lot of people are getting the wrong music mixed into rock. Most Disney stars are pop yet get categorized as rock...
    In my opinion it's completely wrong.
    One radio station here plays hard rock, but it's once a week for two hours and than its back to pop, rap, hip-hop.
    I prefer sticking with my I-Pod, because if I lived around radio, I would never get a song I like.
    March 24th, 2009 at 12:19am
  • only human

    only human (100)

    United States
    If you don't like what's on the radio, if you don't think it plays enough "rock" music, then turn it off and go listen to a CD of a "rock" band you like instead. Problem solved.

    Or like asteroid said, call and request songs and bands to be played.

    (Btw, since when is Avenged Sevenfold "under credited"? In my opinion, they get way too much "media credit" for the shitty music they make.)
    March 24th, 2009 at 12:16am
  • lisamargaret

    lisamargaret (105)

    I agree that rock music -- real rock music -- is rarely heard on the popular stations, but if you listen to actual rock radio stations, there are great bands that get the recognition they deserve.
    Like 102.1 The Edge (for anyone who lives in, or around Toronto)
    March 24th, 2009 at 12:03am
  • asteroid

    asteroid (100)

    United States
    If you want rock songs to be on the "hit" lists, pick up the phone and put them there. Request songs. Force the stations to play the song just once, and then maybe it will get more requests because people like it. The only reason "hit" lists are mostly pop and r&b is because that's what the people who call in want. The radio stations can not read your mind; take my advice, don't try. It won't work. Unfortunately, those who work at the stations do not have superpowers like us cool Mibbians.

    If you don't feel like doing it, again, there's always the rock stations.
    March 23rd, 2009 at 11:55pm
  • mythlver

    mythlver (100)

    United States
    I agree with tribal territory and many others who have commented. Because rock is not as noticed, those who don't truly like it aren't there at concerts and such. It means that their music has become more accessible to those who do like it instead of those who just like the image.

    A lot of people today who only listen to the music being broadcast on popular music stations and television stations listen because they like the image the music or the artist portray. Many of those people have no clue what music is, or what the songs are about if written about life experiences. They mostly see the pretty face, and a voice that's not bleeding their ears.

    Music is what Metallica did. They weren't, and aren't, very pretty, but their music was good at one point in time. They wrote and played what they love, not what the companies wanted. Most of the singers and bands today do what the labels want, not exceptional music being played because it's good, and appealing, but music being played because it appeals to the still forming minds of the younger generations.
    March 23rd, 2009 at 11:00pm
  • Freaka.

    Freaka. (220)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Nope. Rock just goes under the radar. Besides, do you really want the same people that listen to Miley Cyrus turning up at gigs you go to because they heard one song on the radio?
    March 23rd, 2009 at 10:38pm
  • lake effect kid.;;

    lake effect kid.;; (100)

    You know, the fact that "real" rock music isn't that promoted is not bothering me as much as other people [that listen to pop/hip-hop]'s opinions on rock music, that it is either satanistic (and they think that if you make the "rock on" sign, you're a cool rocker), "emo", crazy or weird. I know, I know, "we shouldn't care what others think", but sometimes it bothers me to know that so many people are dis-informed and live with a small and closed amount of knowledge. I think that, even as a form of mere respect, we should at least know a tiny bit about each other.
    Personally, I really enjoy old pop music, but I prefer rock more. Maybe it's just me, but I think both "sides" [that meaning genres and tastes] should be in the public's attention, just because others deserve to have at least the opportunity to like something other than rap or death metal, and people should be more open.
    I think that if rock music would be played on popular station and pop/hip-hop/rap music would be played on rock stations, everything would be cool. But, seeing that's just me...
    Anyway, people need a bit of money in their pockets, so maybe it's not their fault (jerseyxemoxgirl) if the station switches music. We all need a living.
    I don't think I've proved my point, since I really don't have time, but whatever. I liked this article.
    March 23rd, 2009 at 10:33pm