Rock: Forgotten, Overlooked or Overshadowed? - Comments

  • Oh, for christ's sake people! Who gives a fuck what Avenged Sevenfold is or isn't! Give it up now, no one cares.
    Point is, rock has many different faces, much the same as punk does. Too many people say Green Day isn't punk, just because they aren't the fucking Sex Pistols or 98 Mute. But when you ask their friends (members from NOFX, Rancid, etc.), they say Green Day's just as punk as them.
    I admit, classifying Hannah Montana as rock is nauseating. Unfortunately, what else are you gonna classify her as? Just bad? Sorry folks, that category doesn't exist on iTunes.
    March 25th, 2009 at 07:06am
  • Avenged Sevenfold? What are you smoking, child?
    March 25th, 2009 at 05:40am
  • Now I fully realize and accept that this will make me sound like an ass, but you know what? I'm perfectly fine with that.

    If you don't like what I have to say or think it is "ridiculous" then here is a wonderful idea that has worked pretty damn good for me since the day I stared reading: If you don’t like it, don’t read it!

    Everyone stop commenting telling me to change the station, or as someone put "you do know there are knobs on the radio right?". I am not effing stupid alright? I understand that you can change the station alright? So can we lay off the attacks on that? And by the way, by saying that it just makes [i]you[/i] sound stupid because that is not what the article is about. Further more I stated that if I wanted to listen to nothing but rock then I'd turn it to the rock stations. So back the freakin' hell off alright?

    Moving on now. Leave Avenged Sevenfold the hell alone alright? I do not give a damn about what you think about them, but this article is not about them. I didn't sit there and voice what I think about pop, hip-hop or rap because if that is your pot of gold (credit to Alyce for teaching me that one) then have at it. But leave [i]my favorite[/i] band out of this! And if you can't then how about I start bashing what you listen to? End of story. And by the way yes I do think that rap is crap, and I wasn't going to even say that until a certain person brought it up. So I repeat, leave Avenged Sevenfold out of this.

    Next, guess what? I do not care what you think about me or what [i]anyone[/i] thinks of me. And by the way I'm not "whining" so shut your mouths. I serious think only a few people understood this article because from the majority of comments I have gotten are obviously from people who didn't understand the point at all.

    to free jazz, you are the single biggest ass and the single most annoying person that I've ever read a comment from. I saw your comment on Eagle’s article and I have one thing to tell you about that: have fun in hell.

    just_call_me_dookie: I really don't care what you think because your music taste probably isn't that good.

    Hellcat: No really?! I didn't know that! (ha ha I'm not stupid)

    Mad in the blood: I do not care about any of those places you listed. And those magazines you listed are pretty much all for rock which falls into what I said. I do read them I will have you know.

    So enough alright? You don't have to agree with me, but enough of the attacks on Avenged, enough acting like I'm too effing stupid to know that you can change the station, and enough of saying how bad this article is and how you didn't like it. Don't like then don't read it.

    To everyone who has actually understood what I am saying and joined in on telling the truth and haven't began bashing my taste in music I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I needed those comments in order to not go completely mad and post things that I might have later regretted.
    March 25th, 2009 at 01:54am
  • What is with all the label whores? Seriously, rock has many genres. Metal is rock! And if you really want to be a technical music snob, real rock music is the authentic stuff from the 50's. You know the people Elvis copied. Since then rock has evolved and now there is death, thrash, heavy, grunge, alternative, and industrial rock and so much much more.

    The real question is, "Why isn't the darker genres of rock popular?".
    I'll tell you why because most people like easy listening music. Not everyone is into music. There are many people who just listen to music to occupy time. Now since ipods became a social status symbol, its become a fad to be obsessed with music. (I'm not hating on ipods or any other mp3 player. I'm just stating a fact.)

    The term "rock star" has now just become associated with any musician. (Thats why when ever I hear PInk's song I sing "so what I'm a pop star....and yadda, yadda, yadda, because I can't remember the rest.)

    The radio is for mainstream, easy listening music. Just listen to the watered-down rock bands like Nickelback or that dude who won American Idol. Easy listening people, because some people don't want to hear grunts and screams on their way to work in the morning.

    But what I really, really want to know is why is it so important for someone to hear the bands they like on the radio? Do people need to hear the music they listen to to justify listening to the music or its quality? (Because seriously dude its called an MP3 player.) I never wasted time listening to the radio because as a child I excepted that intense, morbid, music was not appreciated the way I appreciated. So I invested in a Walkman, then I upgraded to a CD Walkman, and now finally I have an MP3 player that holds all of my music. And when I'm feeling random I put it into shuffle mode and listen to it in the car or at home. Its just like my OWN PERSONAL RADIO. I would encourage you to do the same instead of trying to debunk rock into one mold without recognizing its other genres.
    March 25th, 2009 at 12:00am
  • Honestly, I find this article rather ridiculous. Of course you won't hear much rock music on public radio channels, the music that will be played is the music that is in style, and as it happens, pop, hip-hop, and some rap are the style right now. They want to get as many listeners as possible, and the way to do that is by playing popular music. Legit rock bands are, obvously, getting some media attention, but its getting rarer because the large, mainstream magazines are catering to their readers - that's the way of the world. Genres rise and fall in popularity - if you don't like what's being played, then tell people about good music, spread the word, and if enough people like it, you'll hear some real stuff on the radio. When rock comes back into style, there will be people complaining about rap artists not getting the attention they deserve. Deal with it.
    March 24th, 2009 at 11:16pm
  • I agree with [b]Mad in the blood[/b].
    March 24th, 2009 at 10:33pm
  • Keep in mind how the bands (and most of us) look. Not to mention that a lot of people don't like the whole heavy metal screamo sound that we do. The "hit" stations are made for EVERYONE not what you think is best. For the record, I like almost all kinds of music except blugrass and most country. And I love metal, screamo, crunkcore, post hardcore, and all of the stuff most people don't know/understand. I'm sorry but odds are that people aren't going to accept it on the radio and definately not on the "hit" stations.
    March 24th, 2009 at 09:32pm
  • [i]Also, would people stop bashing Avenged Sevenfold? I'm fully aware that they are not a rock band - [b]essentially they fall under the category of metal[/b][/i]

    Lol no.
    March 24th, 2009 at 08:46pm
  • But you also have to look at this way: look at the internet popularity of rock. The only reason all those songs are on the radio is because that's the latest fad. But in time, it fades away. Rock songs usually don't. Artists like Lady GaGa and Lil' Wayne are in fact posted everywhere on the internet but what's bigger are the TRUE rockstars. Like when a new band is discovered or when (ex.) Panic at the Disco release a new album; it blows up all over blogs

    So the fact here is: Pop dominates radio stations and Rock dominates the internet.
    Also, you aren't exactly classifying "rock". If we're talking alternative The Academy Is... or The Maine, then my point is clear. If we're talking classic Motley Crue then you're right on the popularity standards.
    March 24th, 2009 at 04:55pm
  • I just listen to whatever I like. Which is mostly REAL rock, alternative, indie. As in White Stripes, Green Day, Pink Floyd, Coldplay, The Killers (but they're getting A LOT bigger now), Rolling Stones, Snow Patrol, U2.

    Also, if you live in Chicago, check out WXRT ('Chicago's Finest Rock'). I think its 93.1? Not sure. They have a great live archive, and I think they play unsigned bands, too.
    March 24th, 2009 at 04:42pm
  • maybe the reason that rock music is put on the radio not as much as those hip-hop or pop music is because most listeners enjoy hip-hop or pop music rather than rock. I mean, radio is for all people all ages everywhere. Now say avenged sevenfold, some people would say "omg what is this music? it's nothing but noise, it's not even music" but that's just their opinion you know. now let's say kanye west came on, then some people would say "hey nice beats" or something like that.
    i don't think rock is forgotten, overlooked or overshadowed. It's everywhere! a7x not getting enough recognition? look around you people! most people here LOVES a7x, they're even on mtv regularly now. but there are different types of rock, like poprock, alternative rock, screamo rock, it's all different.
    for jonas brothers and miley cyrus? yes i do think miley cyrus is pop, but you gotta admit guys jonas brothers is actually what you call pop-rock.
    and besides, it depends on what radio station you're hearing. Even on tv, every genre of music is on everyday. from pop to rock to jazz to death metal to techno to classic rock to reggae to indie to country to blues and to thousands of other genre in this world

    gretchenshoutsnever, filistata, i totally agree with you guys.
    March 24th, 2009 at 04:22pm
  • I agree with this article, I've also noticed that rock music isn't attracted as much attention as pop, hip hop. I believe it kind of has something to do with how the media often chooses rock bands as a 'bad influence' just because of how some rock artists look like, like My Chem for an example. They been accused of being a suicide cult, and I don't really think the people that came up with that really listened through their music, they just judged them from their looks.
    March 24th, 2009 at 12:41pm
  • [i]I hear this amazing song by a band from Texas. The band is Flyleaf and the song is "All Around Me". I buy the CD and see the vid on and love everything about Flyleaf.
    Then the song gets on the 'effing radio.
    And all the little preppies in my school hear it and all of the sudden they're holding up the Rock N' Roll sign and saying they 'love' rock music.[/i]

    To me, if you're put off a band because of that, then that's possibly a sign you care too much what people think. Flyleaf is a band that I have only ever seen once on television where I live, and have never heard on the radio.

    Also, would people stop bashing Avenged Sevenfold? I'm fully aware that they are [b]not[/b] a rock band - essentially they fall under the category of metal - but the author of this article used them as a representation for what she was saying, so let it go.

    And I have to say, that this article was well written and raised some interesting points. I believe rock music has been bottled and handed to the masses as something to make them look edgy. Being a "rockstar" is no longer about the music, but about a lifestyle where you get drunk and high on a daily basis, which is supposedly how the rockstars of old used to do it.
    March 24th, 2009 at 10:26am
  • Oh my god.
    I Agree.
    Nobody knows any of the bands I like and if some one HAS heard of them I get called emo, or if I say I like rock people are all.' OH MI GAWSH I LOVE MILEY CYRUS TOO!'
    March 24th, 2009 at 09:39am
  • Foo Fighters anybody?
    March 24th, 2009 at 09:38am
  • [b]@TheBlackParader[/b] They're really popular around where I live. All the kids listen to them and think they're punksxrawks.

    I think they get too much recognition, especially since their music is beyond horrible.
    March 24th, 2009 at 06:43am
  • And in accordance to what Free Jazz had to say about Avenged Sevenfold, since when has any band gotten [i]too much[/i] recognition? I don't know where [i]you've[/i] been seeing them, but I haven't seen them on any TV station, TV show, magazine article, newspaper article, etc.
    March 24th, 2009 at 06:17am
  • I couldn't agree with you any more. The 'rock' station where I live plays [i]only[/i] artists such as Britney Spears, Fall Out Boy, Paris Hilton's songs, and mostly pop or rap. I wish there were more radio stations that played [i]actual[/i] rock. I can't remember the last time I heard Green Day on the radio. Or even Nickelback.
    March 24th, 2009 at 06:15am
  • you are right raio stations usually only play the newest hip hop and pop stuff.. and i dont liek it i simply put up with it because i can not be in a car and not have the radio on... there is only one rock station i can listen to and its kick ass 92.7 (its in jersey) they actually care about just rock music and help promote bands while other stations not so much... rock has been over looked and may have forgotten what it is because miley cyrus and joe bros are far and i do mean far from rock! very well written
    March 24th, 2009 at 05:36am
  • I don't know why people would think Miley Cyrus is rock because she is obviously pop. And the Jonas Brothers are more pop than rock. It depends what KIND of rock your talking about.
    March 24th, 2009 at 05:28am