The Jonas Brothers; The new Era Of Boy Bands - Comments

  • I just wanna laugh, this is so stupid, The JoBros started just like any other band, taking care of their own stuff to stage, difference from these boys and the dudes in lets say mcr is that they have been raised with a priest as a father, and they have chosen to believi in it, some ppl might say they are a little brainwashed, but they are not pushing God on us, ppl that doesnt believe in god likes them, they will allways be good rolemodels, if they dont go mad, but the point i only a little bit drifted from, is that they got picked up by a major label, supported by disney, and guess what dudes, disney is filthy rich. aaand: Money=PR...Easy peasy, when they get sooo much pr at disney channel, they are bound to get really really really famous, but i think, just as many ppl know of the jobros as mcr. But you dont see billboards of mcr, cuz they take up more difficult problems in a more, straight forward way one could say. :)
    September 14th, 2009 at 02:27pm
    I agree with this article completely they're fucking messed.
    I fucking hate them from the day they started playing music and
    I will hate them until the day I die. They are a musical band that
    all these chicks rave about they're not very good hell half the time
    people just listen to them and watch there video's because there
    "HOT" well guess what people they're not hot they're not even men.
    God-damnit I hate them, and they will never never never be as good as
    the Beatles because that band was one of a kind!
    August 10th, 2009 at 10:50pm
  • Honestly? This article was more of a rant than explaining how they were a boy band.

    Music is music and you don't have any right to bash it.

    And why waste your time writing this if you don't like them? Kind of stupid, dontcha think?
    July 22nd, 2009 at 08:57pm
  • Too True, I agree completely.
    I fucking hate them.
    June 27th, 2009 at 07:58am
  • This was so opinionated. Like seriously it was almost ridiculous. Yeah, they wear purity rings, but they've worn purity rings for a really long time. They've even said they made the commitment a long time ago. How are they considered sellouts? Can you explain that more? Because as far as I've heard, they write their own music, they do what they want to do and it's not like they've really really changed over the years. They're the same Jonas Brothers and when you listen to their music, you can tell if it's them or not. It's not that they keep doing the same thing over, it's just they make the same type of music. To me that's not considered a sellout. This was a really rude article. You have to think, they're people too.
    June 25th, 2009 at 04:48am
  • I used to not like the Jonas brothers, I mean, for no reason. Then I went to a concert (when I was a fan of Miley Cyrus, it was her and the Jonas Brothers) and I liked their music. Boy bands? That's lame. JoeJonasFan is right, they aren't exactly one because they right their own music. And they don't Lip-Sync on stage like the Backstreet Boys did, or any other boy band. This isn't an article, it's just you ranting about what ever you can get you're hands on
    June 24th, 2009 at 03:53pm
  • I love them, and that won't change. Yes, they're a boy-band. But unlike boy-bands of the 90's they write/co-write their own songs and play actual instruments.

    [b]AreUNearMe?[/b] You're an idiot. It should be self-explanitory. A purity ring means you'll stay pure until marriage. And if you still don't get it, it means you won't have sex until marriage.

    I used to hate JB. Then I listened to their music and really liked it. Ever heard of Forever the Sickest Kids or All Time Low? Yeah, if you compare their sounds to the Jonas Brothers, there isn't a really big difference.
    June 3rd, 2009 at 12:44am
  • Thank you so much for posting this!Thank you!

    [b]weeee[/b] Back the beep off? I'm sorry but that sounds so weak that I was laughing. Trust me, anyone who doesn't like the jonas brothers isn’t going to back off because you tell them to back the beep off. No one. I know I wouldn't. Sorry.

    This is the biggest problem I have with a lot (not all of, just a lot) of jonas brothers fans, they can bash your musical tastes but God forbid that you bash theirs. I understand that this doesn't apply to all fans of them but the more and more I read about them or write about them in a negative way the more this seems to be the case. I've read chain e-mails and reposts on various websites all directed at non-jonas brothers fans and everyone of them is ridiculous and judgmental. One actually stated that people who don't like them have never given them a chance. It also stated that it was because: they call girls sexy instead of beautiful, they don't cuss in their music, they don't sing about getting high or drinking, and so on. That pissed me off to no end simply because they do not have a clue why a person doesn't like them. So I state again we are expected to just keep our mouths shut and not talk bad about the jonas brothers, but many fans of them seem to think they have a right to talk crap about our music. That's not how it works folks, sorry.
    April 14th, 2009 at 06:33am
  • I deslike the Jonas brothers...i truly do. But just bashing them doesent really make a great artcle. I mean you need a counter party, if your going to desplay your opinion on the matter(not always nessecary).
    April 11th, 2009 at 04:25pm
  • I like the Jonas Brothers. Still like the Jonas Brothers. Now what?
    April 7th, 2009 at 09:06pm
  • I agree with

    This was misleading and poorly written. Basically all you did was bash them and say how they "killed" New Jersey's rep.

    It's music. People are always going to hate some things and make fun of the way they act. The sad truth of it all is that people are pushing aside the real reason they are there; to make music. We listen to their music and we can like it or not. That is your choice but it doesn't matter if they dyed their hair a color you do not like or they act like asses. We should only like and pay attention to their [b]music.[/b] After all, they are musicians.

    Enjoy your haters!
    April 3rd, 2009 at 01:16am
  • i was first intrigued to read this article by the title, just to see how you connected the Jonas Brothers to a boy band. But really, after reading it, i was extremely disappointed. your article hardly even covers anything about a new era of boy bands. i maybe saw five sentences about it or so.
    if you want to spend your time bashig the jonas brothers for how they ruined New Jersey's rep, then title the article different;y because it's very misleading.
    April 2nd, 2009 at 04:44am
  • The Jonas Brothers annoy me.
    But to each their own.
    April 2nd, 2009 at 02:26am
  • Honestly?

    I don't give a rat's assets about the Jonas Brothers. They can prance around and do whatever they want. A million shrines devoted to them? Whoop-di-doo. A thousand and six websites dedicated to ways of murdering them? Good for you!

    Personally, I don't their music that much, so I just kind of ignore them. Its really quite easy.
    April 1st, 2009 at 11:31pm
  • Well FYI Stevie Wonder Loves the Jonas Brothers so get over yourself and stop saying their crap. Yea ok so I'm a die hard fan back the beep off. They are amazing. So you don't like them I don't like a lot of bands but I'm not gonna go make stupid things on some stupid website like Mibba just to say how much I hate that band. Back the beep off before you step over the line and go to far and get yourself hurt. Back the beep off.
    April 1st, 2009 at 06:58pm
  • The only thing that I learnt from your article is that you're extremely small minded. What is exactly wrong with The Jonas Brothers? They've been 'over-publicized' is not a valid reason for posting an article that bashes them. I don't mind them, some of their music is just not my thing, however there isn't anything wrong with the image they're displaying to their fans. Just because a band is popular, doesn't make them bad musicians. I don't like My Chemical Romance but I'm not going to post an essay about it, as I know people enjoy their music.

    Have a little respect for the musical tastes of others please.
    April 1st, 2009 at 04:07pm
  • i gave them a chance, it seems like every time i turn around the corner i see a magazine with their face on it about the latest things that they have done/ confessed....

    i just try to move on and listen to other music not of their kind....

    wth is a purity ring??? i heard it on MAD TV, and they made a parody of it...

    meh, this era will pass, and we will all go back to whatever the hell was on before those teeny-magnets...
    April 1st, 2009 at 05:47am
  • I like them, they may be grouped together with boybands. But that doesn't nessicarilly mean they are one.
    They have interesting music, and to people who think there fairly horrible, they probably haven't really open their minds to the music the Jonas Brothers play.
    Im sorry that you haven't given them a chance to listen to their music, so they don't sing about getting drunk, and about girls and all the shit that groups usually sing about these days. But there music speaks to me, and im sure to plenty of other people.
    April 1st, 2009 at 01:47am
  • I don't like them personally, but music is music.
    April 1st, 2009 at 12:16am
  • Arcane: I don't know about the author, but personally I don't like the Jonas Brothers because they're another generic pop rock band that doesn't give any originality or deep meaning in their songs. And often catchy generic music when signed on to a major company becomes popular. This is why I end up insulting the fans as well. It's not like I don't like them. I actually know a couple cool people that like the Jonas Brothers. But I still see all the stuff that I find wrong with their music, and I wonder how people can listen to stuff like that, put politely. And I like my opinion to be heard.

    Oh and as for just ignoring them? It actually is kind of difficult with them constantly being played in most places they play music, and people constantly talking about them. I'm not going to seal myself in a bubble just to avoid a band. And if I have to hear about them, I can put in my two cents too.

    To the author: Not a bad article, but a little bare. It would have been more interesting if you gave more details and examples. Statistics and links never hurt. Cheers
    March 31st, 2009 at 11:55pm