To Crochet Or Not To Crochet?

To Crochet Or Not To Crochet? This column was created to get people who are interested in handmade things something to read and look at. I hope that by having this column that people will find cool ways to express their talents in ways that are healthy and fun to do. This article will look at people who make soaps, makeup, clothing, handbags, food, desks, chairs, glass works, etc. The lists can go on and on.

For the first article I have decided to write about crochet (my art form) and knitting. If you are someone who wants to learn something knew without it costing you a lot of money then I have just the thing for you. Learn to crochet or knit.

All you have to do is go to a place like Wal-Mart, Hobby Lobby, Michael’s, or Joanna’s Fabrics and pick up for crochet a size 6mm hook and for knitting a size 7mm needles and a bundle of Red Heart Yarn and you are on your way to learning how to knit or crochet. Depending on where you go to and if you have coupons everything can cost anywhere $5-$10. Which is not bad and you will have something fun to do that is cheap and affordable with the economy and all.

Crochet, for me I have found, can be very relaxing. I do it when I am bored or when I want to make something or when I just get inspired. Crocheting is a fun art form. I have seen crochet in all things form art work to hang or as clothing to wear. There is even a new from of crochet and knitting that is just like tagging (graffiti) called yarnbombing. It’s starting to become a huge hit around the world. Here is a link to an article on yarnbombing.

After you have bought your yarn hook and/or needles don’t worry about buying how to books or CDs on crochet or knitting because you can just Google crochet stitches or knitting stitches and a whole lists of websites that are very helpful will pop up. I find that LionBrand is a great source for learning these crafts. Also, you can go to your local library and check out books.

So, now that I gave you a good start go out, buy the items, and learn something new and fun or relearn something all over again. Get into things handmade and get to heart it as well.

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