Is Chris Brown On The Floor, If He Is Run Away?

Is Chris Brown On The Floor, If He Is Run Away? Chris Brown, had made an unexpected move with Rihanna. According to sources, former celebrity Brown had beaten Rihanna after she had told him that there was a probability that she could be pregnant. And so when it was publicly known about Chris Brown's abusal response towards Rihanna, his career is in somewhat boat tipping trouble!

Although Chris Brown's fans can be forgiving, a picture is worth more than just a thousand words, especially a picture of a former celebrity Rihanna, Chris Brown's girlfriend.

Brown is now trying his best to keep his career from going downhill, and according to other sources, Wrigley's gum company had second thoughts about letting him continue to be their pitchman after seeing what had happened between him and Rihanna.

And now, we often read on other more detailed sources that Rihanna had returned to Chris and that they are now together... Is she really willing to take that risk? Because if he was capable of hitting her so abusively because of what she had told him about the possibility of her being pregnant with his child, imagine what worse could he do to her if she told him something that were unpleasant to his ears? Tsk Tsk Tsk, that's not the way to act around a lady Mr. Man!

Brown has already experienced what was probably his first big NO NO in the celebrity world, what will he do next?! The public is already seeing strange behaviours in Rihanna, like when her self inflicted wounds were revealed to be on her wrists on some of her pictures. And also, though it isn't likely for this young star to be the type who of approves of violent weapons and such, it was also shown on her pictures that she had gotten herself a new tattoo! But the tattoo is rather disturbing, the fact that her new ink is a picture of a hand gun, makes the Rihanna fans grow a bit worried about her actions... HELLO?!

This is obviously a sign that she is very affected by this whole situation, even though it was said that the reason she got that tattoo was because she thought it looked cool, it doesn't mean that she is not deppressed.

It's perferrable for both 19 year old Chris Brown and 21 year old Rihanna to go to a psychiatrist before this situation gets out of hand for the both of them. Violence is not the way to solve your problems, and neither trying to kill yourself for it!

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