Converse Shoes

Converse Shoes Converse shoes are one of the most popular footwear trends among people of all ages, genders, and styles. Ranging from the classic solid black and white designs, to ones of many colors, Converse style shoes are on the feet of many people. Not only can you purchase Converse in an assorted range of colors, but you can also buy them with different designs.

There are a handful of different Converse style shoes. There is the traditional and popular Chuck Taylor design (as showed in the picture) in both low and high top styles. But, there are also the Jack Purcell design, and there are also sport styles for running, tennis, skateboarding, and basketball.

Many companies and stores have tried to copy the Converse design. You can spot the "real deal" by the trademark white circle with a blue star in the center, on the outside of the ankle. Also, most Converse have the traditional white toe and white strip with a black 'racing' stripe.

One of the new features that Converse is offering is allowing people to specially design their own individual shoes. On the Converse website, you can design your very own pair by choosing the outside body, laces, heel stripe, the inner lining, the tongue, and you can even add a personal ID in a range of fonts and styles.

Converse have been around for generations. They are an American icon, and Converse is a household name. And as they make a comeback in the world of fashion trend, there is almost a pair of Converse in every home.

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