The Petrelli Family Secret

The Petrelli Family Secret A new series of Heroes, a new Petrelli family secret. But this one is more sinister than those before it. Swoosie Kurtz returns to her guest starring role of Millie an old society friend of Angela and discovers a secret which will reveal who her daughter is.

Christine Rose, actor of Angela Petrelli told TV Guide “In the third episode, a decision Angela made twenty years ago comes back to haunt her.” Adrian Pasdar commented on the same secret by saying “An incident occurred when Nathan was a boy that [Sylar] has no memory of. He has to go and make amends for the crime [Nathan] committed and the whole thing ends up [going] very poorly.”

Recently NBC released footage of a scene in which Angela tells Millie that Nathan ”isn’t himself” referring to the fact he is Sylar in the same footage Nathan tells Millie that an unnamed female “didn’t run away” and confesses “she’s dead” and says it’s his fault. A casting call for a young Nathan was revealed two months ago, though the young actor who received the role is relatively unknown.

The episode centered around this storyline is called Acceptance and is predicted to air on September 28th, a week after the double episode series premiere on NBC.

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