Does All Time Low Have The Fall Out Boy Syndrome? - Comments

  • I'm sick of bands being called "sellouts".
    People change and stuff.
    And just because they've achieved mainstream success, doesn't mean that they've done something for the sole point of getting big. I don't know if I wordified that the right way.

    Oh, and more evidence for you that they're a lot like FOB,
    I used to hate both at one point, and I'm starting to like All Time Low.
    As for Fall Out Boy... well, EVERYONE knows how much I love Fall Out Boy.
    August 20th, 2009 at 01:02am
  • This article was pointless. And I don't think bands can be sellouts. They're doing what they want, and that's fine with me. If I don't like the band's new album or something, I just won't buy it. I won't go around calling the band sellouts. It's ridiculous. I do love All Time Low and Fall Out Boy though.
    August 20th, 2009 at 12:54am
  • I don't think All Time Low are sellouts.
    I don't think Fall Out Boy are sellouts either.
    They're just famous and make music a wide range of people can enjoy.
    That's how you become a really successful musician.
    Honestly, I think they sound better with this new album.
    August 20th, 2009 at 12:40am
  • i do think fall out boys music changed for the worse, and all time low's music has gotten a little less meaningful, it seems. but neither are sell outs. times change and they change, therefore their music changes. yes, all time low has gotten more pop-y, but they are a [i]pop[/i]-punk band. its not atl's fault they're popular. no matter what, all of atl-- and fob, for that matter-- are extremly talented and nothing could change that.
    August 19th, 2009 at 11:54pm
  • Ohmigawd.
    If you wanna talk about repetative articles, why dont you go look and see how many articles there are on anorexia, depression, etc. And stop bitching about this.
    August 19th, 2009 at 11:35pm
  • again with all time low selling out?! no theyre not. nothing personal is amazing and they do care about their fans. i love them and im seeing them august 28th and i cant wait. but theyre not selling out. just cuz theyre young doesnt mean all they want is sex money and rock and roll. so stop. theyre amazing at what they do. >.<
    August 19th, 2009 at 10:39pm
  • Why is there a need for a new All Time Low article every week or so?
    It's unneeded. Seriously. They're a generic band, it doesn't matter anymore.
    August 19th, 2009 at 10:15pm
  • Yep.
    I agree with [b]electricgirls[/b].
    Just because they are getting more famous doesn't mean they are selling out.
    Cobra Starship is actually getting played on the radio now.
    That doesn't make them sell outs either.
    All Time Low does still make a point to meet their fans, and so does Fall Out Boy, as far as I know.
    August 19th, 2009 at 09:49pm
  • when i saw atl on warped they were the same this year as they were in 2007. they don't change. they seem like they change because they're in a higher place but trust me, if they're such sellouts why do they take the time to post silly videos, tweet so damn much, have normal girlfriends who are sweet as hell, go to extremes to meet fans, do silly little interviews with the same questions? call it what you want, just because they actually made it near the top doesnt mean that they are sellouts. It just means their music is growing. If you've met them through out the year at shows like i have you'd know that they are the same in almost all ways. And they try to make sure that their fans get enough of them. hence why they do private shows in areas they aren't supposed to when shows are canceled, or stand out in the rain to meet as much of us as they can. all in all, they are a great band and do what they love, and they dont give a fuck, they just want to have fun. So while people write articles like this, they're drinking, touring, getting more shit faced and hanging with the people they love.
    August 19th, 2009 at 09:42pm
  • oh and this isn't an attack on you personally. i'm just really fed up with people thinking they're sell outs and it kind of finally came out :[
    i apologize.
    August 19th, 2009 at 08:27pm
  • for the final time, All Time Low is not selling out. if they really didn't care and were just in it for the money, then they wouldn't still be meeting fans after shows and such. this has been going on for about a year now and it's really old. ATL cares what their 'fans' think. just got to Youtube and search 'alexATL' then go to his channel and watch the video about selling out. when they were in Pittsburgh they invited everyone who was legal to go out and party with them at a local club/bar. this is getting ridiculous and i'm sick of it. they're not the kind of band that just goes on and does their set. they talk to each other and the audience and connect with people. Fall Out Boy does exactly the same. i know. i just saw them and was extremely happy to see that they DON'T suck live like everyone had told me they did. they even played some old songs. and yeah, their music is going to change. you wouldn't want to buy the same songs over and over again, would you? i don't know about anyone else, but i get bored with CDs that play songs that sound exactly the same as the last one only with different lyrics. at least it hasn't changed drastically, it's still relatively the same. they're getting older and with age comes change. that's just how life is. if people can't accept that, well, they're going to be really unhappy in their lives.
    August 19th, 2009 at 08:26pm
  • We need to put a stop to these "selling out" articles..I'm tired of them targetting bands that I like just because they happen to get more famous. I agree with the opinions on this page... Just because you get a little famous does not mean you sold out.

    Now can we please put a stop to this nonsense and get back to what counts? Listening to their music and appreciating it for goodness sakes!
    August 19th, 2009 at 08:01pm
  • All Time Low definitely aren't sell outs.
    August 19th, 2009 at 07:57pm
  • ATL aren't selling out :/
    They're just changing their sound. It happens to bands all the time.
    Just because they've gotten more popular doesn't mean their selling out.
    Oh and just because they make money from their music doesn't mean they're sellouts either.
    They need to make money you know ^_^
    August 19th, 2009 at 07:42pm
  • I hope you all do not believe that I think they are sell outs by writing this?
    I am most definitely on the side of them not being.. that. :grr:
    They are my favorite band for God sakes.
    August 19th, 2009 at 07:27pm
  • Fall Out Boy and All Time Low and even Panic! at the Disco arent sell outs they just matured in their music because even though they are the same guys that started the band they grew up they arent still 17 theyre older and have had more experences that they put into their music.
    August 19th, 2009 at 06:56pm
  • Sell outs who gives a fuck. the people who call them sell outs are jealous. sure i dont really like all time low, i believe Fall out boy started this thing that bands like ATL, friday night boys, and this providence are doing now. but that doesnt meant hat theyre not good.
    August 19th, 2009 at 05:58pm
  • ugh im so sick of people saying bands are selling out. seeing as all thats happened is that they've gotten more popular. whats so bad about that? isnt that what they dream to do? make it big?
    oh god, isn't it horrible? they've made it to the big time!
    August 19th, 2009 at 05:54pm
  • [b]I'm sorry, but no way.
    Nothing Personal is freaking incredible: it's their best one yet.
    Just because you're not the only person who listens to them anymore doesn't mean theyre crap.

    And people are gonna read it because it says does All Time Low have the Fall Out Boy syndrome, and it's interesting.[/b]
    August 19th, 2009 at 05:52pm
  • Oh, God.
    Listen, selling out is bullshit. Yes, they are going to get bigger, and, yeah, this might make it more difficult to be more personal with them as a band, but it happens. They have to make money to, you know. This is their job and, without more fans and MTV and everything else, they don't make enough money.

    They're still All Time Low.
    August 19th, 2009 at 05:48pm