They Only Hire The Beautiful. Is It Wrong? - Comments

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  • I know this is from five years ago, but this is still so relevant today. Having worked in retail I certainly see the appeal of wanting employees to match up with the overall company look - the brand, if you will. Like Holister hiring more beach-y, surfer type girls who are tall and thin and tan. Or Hot Topic hiring those with dyed hair or piercings or tattoos or who wear a lot of black. There's nothing wrong with that at all imo

    The whole blonde hair, blue eyes thing seems very Hitler-esque and it does make sense until you realize that BLONDE-HAIRED, BLUE-EYED ISN'T A LARGE DEMOGRAPHIC IN ALL AREAS. I want to scream this from the mountain tops because, what do they do in areas (like mine) where whites or white-passing make up only 8% and not all of the 8% are considered "pretty" in the stereotypical, conventional, "All American" ways? So stupid.

    Even outside of that, there's still the question of religious aspects - like girls wearing hijab. Since their personal policy is no black, they should hire under the condition that their employee wear certain colored hijabs. It would only make sense that "no black" cross over to things like that, and I don't think that someone who wears a hijab would be unwilling to align with those rules. If they really did turn her away for her religion, that's disgusting. I feel like a lot of companies do this, though; no matter how diverse their models are they always end up having white staff (or as white as they can get) and company faces that are white.
    September 16th, 2015 at 05:05am
  • Its not just A&F, Hot Topic and all those stores are the same way. And sorry to break it to the Hot Topic fans who think theyre going against the grain by shopping there. [b]They're owned by the same racist company[/b] Think about the similarities.

    What a shallow world we live in.
    October 22nd, 2009 at 04:21am
  • The way that the 'all American' part was phrased made me think they were looking for what the Nazis called Aryans. In fact, if you replaced AMerican with Aryan, it would make sense. ANd yes, it is illegal to discriminate against anyone because of race, gender, or religion. It's against the Constitution in America.
    October 18th, 2009 at 03:36am
  • BOO!!
    [b]go home, A&F[/b]
    people should put them outta business; cause its just sick. They are like trying to create some sick little fantasy of perfect modeling looking people. Its like fucking Hitler and is Aryan race. NEWSFLASH; the world has other people you could use, who differ in color and weight and fucking height. Jeez!!
    October 16th, 2009 at 09:45pm
  • I don't shop there b/c A&F is racist. Just like I don't buy Tommy Hilfiger ever since he said that he doesn't make clothes for clack people. Pah! Douche.
    October 12th, 2009 at 09:04pm
  • Natural selection anyone?
    The person who runs A&F sounds like a white supremacist.
    October 11th, 2009 at 06:06pm
  • to be honest,i cannot stand
    abercrombie or abercrombie
    and fitch,why can't anyone have
    their own mind and wear what
    they want to wear?most people
    just wear it to fit in and to seem
    like they have not
    judging people who wearing
    their clothes,but it's just not
    my personal very
    October 11th, 2009 at 03:27am
  • well I personally think it's wrong! i never really go there anyways... but maybe if they hire all kinds of people more people will come! who knows?! plus if they only show 'beautiful' people wearing their clothes at the store than why would what-you-call 'ugly' people wear those clothes? why wouldn't you be able to wear black anyways? and i PERSONALLY has never met an 'ugly' person in my life! it's not because i'm surrounded by beautiful all my life!! it's because in my eyes everyone's beautiful!!
    October 8th, 2009 at 11:16pm
  • People keep saying that not only big businesses discriminate. But let me pose a question to that. Does that make it OKAY to discriminate? You see it everywhere with everyone, so it's fine? Saying companies should get to base whether or not they want to hire someone soley on looks is like saying you'd like to go back to a time of slavery. People should NOT be treated differently because of a different skin color or heritage, or because the people running the interviews don't find them "pretty."
    October 7th, 2009 at 11:06pm
  • everyone on this earth is beauitful. they just don't think they are.
    October 5th, 2009 at 10:52pm
  • well i believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way
    i've been suspecting about this too myself for quite some time.
    when i go in there to browse, the employees all look the same
    always white skinned people,blond hair or brunettes with bubbly expressions
    they obviously want that "all american look" as you mention
    but america have people with different races, backgrounds, and languages like spanish.
    so i think something's up with them for sure, but i wonder who's ready to stand up to them
    October 5th, 2009 at 05:47am
  • Good thing I don't look all that pretty.

    I would hate working there, imo.
    October 2nd, 2009 at 11:46pm
  • well they do hire people that they think looks presentable. i mean, i heard they hire the people, but the 'uglier' ones work on the weekdays, and since its crowded on the weekends, they put out the better looking ones.
    October 1st, 2009 at 05:02am
  • this black girl i know workes at a+f and she was 5 months prego when she started there. just saying
    September 30th, 2009 at 08:51pm
  • The WORLD is shallow, not just the clothing industries.

    you have to look the part to sell the product. You wouldn't hire someone with loads of black liner, pink and black hair and tattoos and piercings on their body at American Eagle, just as you wouldn't hire someone in a jean ripped miniskirt, tanned skin and bleach blond hair for hot topic.

    the world is shallow. the very second you see someone, you judge. Whether it is "her hair is cute" or "he has so much acne" you INSTANTLY judge. everyone is guilty not just businesses.
    September 29th, 2009 at 09:59pm
  • What about Hot Topic and Spencers? You have to look the part to get hired. Trust me, I know. Hate HT, but got talked into speaking to the manager. Let's just say my conversation with them didn't involve anything remotely free from the stereotype and lacked intellect. I'm a rooter for Spencers though: true to the term 'Freak' all the way to the end. It's just business. It's targeted to a specific group, just as Free People targets the neo-hippie underground. It's all a part of corporate media that can't be stopped. Why do we even care? Who wants to work with those kind of people anyway? Would you want a boss that hired you for your looks and not because of the words that you spoke?
    September 29th, 2009 at 09:32pm
  • i don't agree with the way they do it, but a+f have a right to hire people they feel are appropriate for the job... in this case its the "beautiful people". they want to create good publicity and advertising for what they're selling, and they think they need an all-american stereotyped workforce.
    sounds a lot like a certain other someone who wanted their own "superior" race.
    September 29th, 2009 at 07:49pm