Edward Cullen: The Epitome of Prince Charming?

Edward Cullen: The Epitome of Prince Charming? A brief insight on Edward Cullen:

  • Born on June 20th 1901
  • Transformed by his now father Carslile Cullen on 1918 to prevent him from dying
  • "Vegetarian" vampire, meaning he doesn't consume human blood
  • He has two sisters, and two brothers - Emmett, Jasper, Alice and Rosalie
  • His special power is mind reading

At first glance, Edward seems like the perfect vampire if you could say so, handsome, charming, witty and sarcastic. However, as his relationship with Bella develops we realize that not everything is rainbows and sunshine with this guy, and, if you look at it from a different point of view, you actually see that Edward Cullen is the worst guy that you could ever date.

Let's start with the obvious:

  • On Bella's first day of school, Edward refuses to look her in the eye, and requests a change class right away, now, I understand that he was unnaturally attracted to her scent, but there are rational excuses and just plain extreme
  • For the first few minutes after he stops her from being brutally killed by a van, Edward treats Bella like she is clinically crazy, saying he did nothing, and that she is crazy if she thinks he lifted a van off of her
  • The whole, "I hope you enjoy disappointment" sentence peeves me off to an extreme (I'm sorry)
  • In the next few chapters, he is back to ignoring Bella, which, to me, is awfully unattractive, I'm sorry, but no girl likes a guy more when he ignores her like she weren't even sitting next to him

Now, over the series, we get to know Edward as this completely ravishing man, who is capable to make Bella lose her breathing over a kiss, is seemingly the best thing that has ever happened to her and he is just plain amazing. I'm sorry, but I can't look over the obvious to see this God-like creature.

Edward seems to be even more controlling as the series go through, from telling Bella what she should say to Charlie, to even influencing her in some pretty serious stuff, granted, Edward doesn't do this on his own, Bella is just way too depending on him that she'll do anything that he wants. He blames her for potentially blowing his family's cover, as if she were to blame for the fact that James thought she was incredibly delicious.

Edward leaves Bella alone. What kind of boyfriend would leave you alone because he thinks it's the best for you? Yeah, I thought so.

He is controlling of her friends, the people she associates with, her family, and how she leads her life, by pointing out every single mistake she does, calling her a klutz, complaining about her so called friends, and then forbidding her to see Jacob, who is probably, the only decent male character in this series, who is actually nice to Bella and cares for her. He constantly shoves in her face how much times he has to save her life, thus, guiding us back to the whole, "You're-a-major-fail-without-me" deal. And the worst part is that he sometimes treats it as if she were a burden more than the love of his life.

I assure you, that without Stephenie Meyer's sugar-coating, you'd all despise Edward Cullen, and think he is the most controlling, misogynistic man you've ever encountered in your life, and you'd never want to deal with him after the first date.

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