Husband Lost To Suicide

Husband Lost To Suicide Imagine being a stage actor, and performing in front of thousands of adoring fans night after night. Enduring a tough touring regime and jumping between time zones almost every day. This was life for Little Britain star Matt Lucas. The only difference between him and his co-star David Walliams was that Lucas had a partner to support him during his rough bouts.

Kevin McGee, a television producer from the United States was the apple of Matt's eye. After a long and tedious relationship, rocked with cocaine abuse by McGee, the couple felt it would ground them by getting married or to "conduct a civil ceremony", equipped with a pantomime-esque celebratory party afterward.

The marriage lasted eighteen months, but with the constant touring schedule for Lucas; who during their final months as partners worked in the US writing for an Americanized version of Little Britain, and Kevin's addiction to cocaine, the pair decided to amicably split. Kevin maintained custody of their two year old chocolate Labrador, whilst Matt concentrated on other ventures.

After countless attempts to rekindle the romance between himself and Lucas, Kevin moved to Edinburgh to study athletics, trying to keep his mind from wandering. McGee stumbled upon information of Matt seeing someone else, and this furthered his addiction to drugs.

On October 6th, 2009, McGee posted a comment on his Facebook wall about death being better than life. By the time concerned friends replied, it was too late. The 32 year old was found hanged in his apartment.

Matt canceled all further shows with his new play Prick Up Your Ears; an almost ironic story about Joe Orton, a man who suffers from agoraphobia and kills his partner then ends his own life. There is no telling whether Lucas will return for the rest of the play's season.

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