The Anti-Feminist World of Twilight - Comments

  • FrankJScott

    FrankJScott (100)

    United Kingdom
    Please try Google before asking Great Onlne Casino Website ca5b8b0
    September 29th, 2023 at 07:58am
  • xxshadesofgray

    xxshadesofgray (100)

    United States
    nobody can read bellas sthoughts because whe has none.
    November 22nd, 2009 at 11:50pm
  • not here anymore

    not here anymore (150)

    United States
    thing we're trying to avoid--therefore hypocritical.

    I'd like to tell you WHY this article is accepted in your newspaper as an article, but not generally accepted here because no one has explained it to you and I feel that is the fair thing to do.
    It was extremely opinionated. The entire thing was your opinion with what you thought was fact. In the [i]opinion section[/i] of a [i]newspaper[/i], it can still be called an article. However, when "articles" have too much opinion here, we generally accept those in the journals section. Consider that our "opinion section" for Mibba.
    Articles here are supposed to be mostly unbiased and based on fact rather than what you think and believe. You MAY put your opinion in there as long as most of your article is factual and your opinion is well-represented by your facts and in the same way, goes right along with what you're trying to prove, inform about, etc.
    I'm not trying to be rude; I'm just letting you know. It's how things are done here on Mibba, that's all. :]

    I could go on and on about different points in this article, but I won't. I'll say, though, that next time you write an article [if you choose to again], please allow better transition and organization. It makes for an easier read.

    Anyway, I think I am done. Maybe... Hopefully. Lol.
    I am going to go work on an article about what feminism truly is now, because I feel we need a reminder.

    Goodbye and good luck. :]
    November 20th, 2009 at 05:05am
  • not here anymore

    not here anymore (150)

    United States
    As much as I completely agree with [b]semisweet[/b], this "article" made me giggle a lot. It might have made me giggle more had it been in the journals section where it belonged and had it not been completely ridiculous.
    Or maybe it was the fact that it was insanely ridiculous that made me giggle in the first place.

    Anywhooo, it's time to throw my two cents in, but before I do, I don't mean anything I say as offensive or rude and I apologize in advance if it comes off that way. :]

    Let's start with your idea of feminism. As a lovely someone stated below, we have this disgusting stereotypical view of feminism nowadays. We seem to think of "feminists" as these mighty, supermanlybuff women and feminism as a way for women to dominate men instead of letting them dominate us. We see it as women forcefully taking their "rights" and "place among men." If you think about it, though, that's completely wrong.
    When feminism first came about, the main thing women were after was the right to [i]vote[/i]. What is voting? A choice. We were asking for the right to [i]choose[/i] as men do, not the right to totally take their place.
    Taking an example from our current subject, we'll look at Bella. Bella, to me, is an ideal of what feminism should be, not anti or opposite of it. Bella, whenever she "submitted" to Edward, did it [i]by her own choice.[/i] Never was she forced or oppressed. In just the same way, there were several times when she completely went against his wishes [i]by her own choice[/i].
    [[A perfect example is something many jump on as an example of her weak character when, in fact, it is an example of her strong independence. I'm talking about her pregnancy. She chose to keep the baby when all Edward wanted to do was get it out of her. He wanted her to abort, but Bella [i]said no and got her way.[/i] Is that weak? No. The girl suffered much from that choice, but in the end, she gets her baby and something else she's always wanted: her becoming of a vampire.]]
    We, as women, should understand that feminism is about freedom to be whatever you want, without men making the choices for you. Yes, feminism is about being equal to men, but in being equal to men, we are granted that choice. If a woman wants to choose to be a domestic housewife who serves her husband, she is perfectly capable of doing so because feminist ideals give her that option. In the same way, if SHE wants to bring the bread to the table and run the place, she can do so, also because of feminist ideals.
    I suggest that before you go on ranting about anti-feminism, you understand the entirety of it, not just one side.

    Secondly, this is honestly the worst bandwagon I have ever seen. On both sides. I enjoy Twilight, I do. I won't ever say it's a masterfully written literature, because it isn't, but nor will I say it's the worst out there, because it's not. There is SO much worse than Twilight, and there is SO much better.
    Why is this bandwagon so ridiculous?
    It's gone on WAYY too long. There is a time to move on, people. There is a time to quit ranting and a time to quit obsessing. Since this is the ranting portion of it, that's what we'll talk about.
    I only have a couple things to say about this. First, you guys realize that by constantly ranting and raving about Twilight, you're just fueling the craze you hate oh-so-much, don't you? Second, you understand that there are a million other issues to get worked up about, right? Third, you know that no matter how much you yell about how idiotic it is, your opinions are not going to derive Twilight of its existence, don't you? Lastly, now I'm all for expressing opinions, but don't you think that everything you've said has been said before and it's time to let it rest?
    Now, I'm going to let THAT rest, because I DO realize everything I said about it has been said before. I could elaborate, but that would be redundant, and--redundancy being the very thing we're trying to avoid--therefore hypocritical.

    I'd like to tell you WHY this article is accepted in your newspaper as an article, but not generally accepted here because no one has explained it to you and I feel that is the fair thing to do.
    It was extremely opinionated. The entire thing was your opinion with what you thought was fact. In the [i]opinion section[/i] of a [i]newspaper[/i], it can still be called an article. However, when "articles" have too much opinion here, we generally accept those in the journals section. Consider that our "opinion section" for Mibba.
    Articles here are supposed to be mostly unbiased and based on fact rather than what you think and believe. You MAY put your opinion in there as long as most of your article is factual and your opinion is well-represented by your facts and in the same way, goes right along with what you're trying to prove, inform about, etc.
    I'm not trying to be rude; I'm just letting you know. It's how things are done here on Mibba, that's all. :]

    I could go on and on about different points in this article, but I won't. I'll say, though, that next time you write an article [if you choose to again], please allow better transition and organization. It makes for an easier read.

    Anyway, I think I am done. Maybe... Hopefully. Lol.
    I am going to go work on an article about what feminism truly is now, because I feel we need a reminder.

    Goodbye and good luck. :]
    November 20th, 2009 at 05:05am
  • she had the world.

    she had the world. (100)

    United States
    This has been said before, but I'll repeat it for you:
    When did articles become journals?
    November 19th, 2009 at 02:25am
  • Skela_chibi

    Skela_chibi (100)

    Puerto Rico
    okay i think that movie will suck but at the same time will be better then the first one no offend to the twilight fan but yea i like twilight a little bit
    November 18th, 2009 at 11:57pm
  • and love alice ;

    and love alice ; (105)

    United States
    [b]starbella[/b]: Yes, books do have flaws, but never has the biggest flaw ever been the main character. The worst part about is that Stephanie Meyer states "she wanted to be a Bella in high school" personally, I'd want to be a hot motherfucker, who has a backbone, some attitude and a large ego. Or Rosalie, if we have to pinpoint someone. Not that I'm not those. But anyway, yes, Bella not only lacked in the personality department but the way she described her also sucked royally. Just like these two big facts.

    One: Edward didn't even bite her when she was turned. He injected his venom into her. Like what the fuck? What kind of vampire does that? Not a very good one. If you're going to end with the main character getting turned atleast do it with some dignity and let him bit her.

    Two: and the biggest problem. These vampires don't even have fangs!!!! what the hell?
    November 18th, 2009 at 10:56pm
  • TheRealBatman

    TheRealBatman (100)

    United States
    Well, I gotta say before I start my real commenting, that I absolutely LOVE Twilight and the whole saga. This article was really funny though. My mom thinks the exact same thing. Where's MY sexy brooding vampire? Hahaha
    November 17th, 2009 at 01:42am
  • Sucker.Punch!

    Sucker.Punch! (100)

    United States
    Yeah, I never got into the craze in general. I could go on and on about how terrible the writing is and how annoying I find the Twilighters (my word by the way). That's not the point though. I agree with you completely. In my opinion, Bella was always too weak for someone that's supposed to be a female lead.
    November 12th, 2009 at 05:56pm
  • starbella

    starbella (100)

    United States
    I don't know why people freak out about how 'good' or bad a book is. No book is perfect. To people every book has flaws and in every book the reader would change something about it. No book is perfect and people just ague about twilight so much because well idk even know why. In my head there's really no point in getting so worked up over a book.
    November 12th, 2009 at 02:59am
  • ezzie69

    ezzie69 (100)

    United States
    Lmao, I totally agree wuth the stupidity of Bella's role in the books. I used to be a die-hard Twilight fan, but I was never really cared for Bella cuz of that great reason you just discussed. She's so damn weak!!!! I still love the series, just not how Bella is protrayed with her ultra-clumsiness & vague expressions. Helpful Tip: Want to read more sarcastic POVs of Bella? Go visit Dan on Sparknotes & Twitter.....he will blow ur mind, no lie. =)
    November 11th, 2009 at 07:53pm
  • fool's paradise

    fool's paradise (1000)

    United States
    November 10th, 2009 at 05:36pm
  • smile_in_your_sleep

    smile_in_your_sleep (100)

    United States
    HAHA!!! That was so funny. I'm not being sarcastic either, I honestly loved this article. I'm a twilight fan, and used to be the type of fan that would get pissy and stomp their feet whenever someone dissed it. But now I've eased off and seeing how stupid it can be sometimes, (even though I'm excited for the movies). I liked this ariticle.....made me laugh during a really boring class...lmao
    November 10th, 2009 at 04:10pm
  • blitzkriegBOOM

    blitzkriegBOOM (300)

    United States
    I wish you mentioned other character's flaws as well as Bella and Edward's... because Bella isn't the only sucky female character in it.

    Awesome article, either way. :)
    November 10th, 2009 at 09:06am
  • See.

    See. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Well. I pretty much love you for writing this article.
    November 9th, 2009 at 09:21pm
  • Tati.the.Strange

    Tati.the.Strange (105)

    United States
    Wow... I never knew that people would make this much of a big deal hating Twilight. I like it because the books aren't bad, but wow... I agree with dreamerforever and dredson doll thougt. This article really should be a journal, but I do kinda understand what you mean. So it was kinda well written.

    ~Skittlez~ (x's,o's)

    P.S. I don't love or hate Twilight! (just letting you know) The books are good, but some of the stuff in them aren't the best....
    November 9th, 2009 at 06:16am
  • twowaystogo

    twowaystogo (100)

    United States
    You know what? I'm honestly not treated any different because I'm a girl. I laugh when my guy friends make sexist jokes. Cause you know what? It's funny. I don't know a single person who would take her books seriously. So why's it a big thing? It is in the fiction aisle, after all.
    While we're at it we should stop reading Cinderella to little girls because they'll get the "wrong idea" about relationships.
    November 9th, 2009 at 03:00am
  • likeitmatters

    likeitmatters (500)

    United Kingdom
    I agree with this view!

    And it also means Meyer has contradicted what her front cover of Breaking Dawn represents. It's supposed to represent Bella's transformation from a weak pawn to a mighty queen. . .

    Err, this isn't shown at all throughout the series. She remains pretty much the same, even when she becomes a vampire she's still a panicky, submissive mess.
    November 8th, 2009 at 09:44pm
  • sansa.

    sansa. (250)

    United Kingdom
    I don't think she should be labeled as weak for getting married and having a baby. I want to get married and have a baby but I believe that women are equal and should have the right to choose. Feminism [b][i]should[/b][/i] be about giving women the right to choose to do with their lives what they wish, but instead it's turned into something that just pushes women towards a new gender stereotype.

    Sure, Bella's not the strongest character ever, but these were just personal decisions for her, not something she should be slated on. Not all women are Xenia Warrior Princess all of the time.
    November 8th, 2009 at 09:36pm
  • twateye

    twateye (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Never thought of it that way.
    This article was too funny, loved it.
    November 8th, 2009 at 09:35pm