From Concept To Completed Manuscript

From Concept To Completed Manuscript A little a while ago, I discovered the wonderful thing that is StoryWeaver. I don't remember how I found it, but I'm certainly glad that I did.

StoryWeaver is a very simple program that helps greatly with writing a story. There is absolutely nothing complex about it - there are simply drop-down menus that take you from step to step.

It does take a lot of patience, because it goes through every detail there is to work out. A lot of times, I skip over steps or do not complete everything... Because, well, some of it seems unnecessary. However, I'm sure that's part of the reason why I've never fully completed a story - because I skip over the things that don't seem totally necessary.

StoryWeaver has four stages: Inspiration, Development, Exposition, and Storytelling. In each one of these stages subjects such as plot, characters, theme, and genre are fleshed out and developed to eventually become a completed story.

The free version of StoryWeaver downloads very fast and is a very small program. As I've stated before, it is very simple and easy to use. There is no navigating, and even the most computer-illiterate person doesn't need help using it.

As stated above, this version of StoryWeaver is free. You can purchase the original software, but the only difference between the payed-for version and the free version, is that you can not save your work. Every other feature of StoryWeaver is completely available and the same as in the free version.

The inability to save your work does get inconvenient sometimes, especially if you only complete part of a section in a sitting. However, there is an Export option, that allows you to export your work into Microsoft Word or any other word processor. There is also a possibility to print your work when you are finished.

I think StoryWeaver is a great way to improve your writing, as well as your story, and that any author looking to complete a story should at least give it a chance.

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