Cyrus Disagrees With Parenting - Comments

  • There's a difference between just stating an opinion and being down right disrespectful. When she's a parent, she'll understand how hard it is to be famous and keep your kids from being in the public eye.

    Besides, we all know she'll shit talk Angelina Jolie and Madonna from a distance, but when the time comes for them to be at the same award show, etc, she'll kiss their ass hardcore.

    I'm sure the HBIC Angelina Jolie doesn't care anyway.
    March 11th, 2010 at 09:34pm
  • biased. not to mention she was dating a TWENTY-FOUR YEAR OLD MAN when she was just sixteen. THAT makes her a "controversial" subject: not because she talks about the way someone parents their children.
    March 11th, 2010 at 08:05am
  • I agree that Miley should be allowed to express her opinions, and I don't understand why she gets slammed. Personally, I like Miley and her music. "Hannha Montana" is about a girl who doesn't want to be famous, and I thnk that the point she was making about Jolie and Madonna was that their kids should be able to chose their lifestyle, instead of being forced into their parents.
    March 10th, 2010 at 06:38pm
  • This article was very bias, you should've been able to support both sides of the argument at hand. On the otherside, this artice was also really well written and what you did say made sense.
    March 10th, 2010 at 05:27pm
  • Lady, she needs to learn to keep her mouth shut sometimes. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. But she's possibly the WORST role model in Disney. Really. Great article but it was bias. I hate her and while I agree that she can say whatever she wants, she just shouldn't criticize parenting until she pops out some kids of her own. Then she can turn around and look at what went wrong with her and talk.
    March 10th, 2010 at 01:33am
  • Well this teenage girl will have to get used to being criticized for the rest of her life as long as she is famous. Celebrities will always be criticized on their open opinions and thoughts or w/e. It's just the way it's always been. And if this girl can't take the heat, well then she should just quit her whole career. People must bear in mind that once you are a celebrity, when you become no longer own yourself, the world owns you for its own means of entertainemt. Sad yes, but undeniably true.... :-( it's like people live to torture celebrities or something...i dunno, maybe it's just me that thinks this way?
    March 7th, 2010 at 01:29am
  • she can state her opinion but is it wrong for others to state their own opinions in return? Even if it seems hypocritical or something it's not wrong the only reason it seems like she is being attacked is because she is in the public eyes and there are more people to state contradicting opinions against her.
    February 26th, 2010 at 07:25pm
  • Okay, this makes no sense. Of COURSE Miley would critique something and get slammed for it- It's not like anyone else has a brain, or does it. It's not like tabloids don't blast the same things only on paper. It's not like we all don't THINK it.

    PSH. 'Cuz, you know, that would make the rest of the world a bunch of HYPOCRITES, and that's just NOT possible. *rolls eyes*
    January 31st, 2010 at 11:38am
  • 'She should be able to state her opinion without being lashed out at'
    Personally, I find this statement a little ironic - isn't that what you were doing to people throughout the whole article?
    Everyone has opinions, as you quite rightly implied, but you then contradicted yourself with such a fierce article against people with different opinions.
    January 21st, 2010 at 03:28pm
  • Ehh im not a fan of hers (at all) but you cant hate a girl for speaking her mind.

    ps. the chick below me is totaly right, in the pic she kinda does look a little zombie like.. lol
    January 18th, 2010 at 07:48am
  • i dont really like miley but i think she has as much of an opinion as anyone else,

    ps anyone else think her smile made her look like a zombie? it just seemed like it wasnt reaching her eyes
    January 17th, 2010 at 02:40pm
  • Eh. Whether Miley is a good or bad role model, whether her actions are acceptable or not...
    All I gotta say is Leave Britney Alone.
    Or, er, Miley.
    'tis the same bullshit.
    January 16th, 2010 at 01:14am
  • I definitely agree with this article. I'm not a fan either, but this all sounds right, and I have to say I agree with Miley.
    January 16th, 2010 at 12:57am
  • Though I don't exactly agree with shoving your kids into publicity at a young age either, she has no right to talk. She may have experience with being put into publicity at a young age, but she has no experience with having children. It's probably really hard to be famous and keep your own kids out of the media. Also, Miley goes around exploiting [i]herself[/i] all the time. If she doesn't like the publicity, she shouldn't say things that'll get media attention. Sometimes, I think she just does and says things to get more camera time.
    January 12th, 2010 at 05:38pm
  • I agree with this article, fan or no fan it shouldnt matter, okay its a bit bias but honestly, the point of what she's saying is a good one. If it were to have been any other non-famous teen to have said this, no one would have given it a second thought. all the people commenting badly on this are idiots because you are just proving the point that you're all just as quick to judge and throw comments out there.

    And about her being in the spotlight all the time? If you dont like it, dont watch it or listen to it, its that simple.
    January 11th, 2010 at 12:49am
  • [b]'I would like to know where people get the idea that this makes her a loud-mouthed seventeen year-old in need of a reality check.'[/b]

    News flash to author: Remember how's she's a seventeen year old POP star in front of tons of people with a camera catching her all the time? How she's constantly saying crap about her parents? Not to mention how she's criticized the band 'Radiohead' and caused quite a controversy over her 21 year old boyfriend, and can I point out that her being under the age of 18 when dating [i]and[/i] living with him he can be charged with statutory rape? I think that's enough to get the idea that she's a loud mouthed seventeen year old bitch who needs to get a reality check.

    I mean really! She's in front of tons of cameras and has been since she was nine! You'd think by now she'd get it through her fat head to watch what she says. Besides, she's only a kid herself. If she wants to go talking crap about other people, she should take a look at herself and her own parents first. And that's [i]my[/i] opinion, ahaha.
    January 10th, 2010 at 04:28am
  • I wonder how many more times will people will point out the bias thing?
    January 9th, 2010 at 11:16pm
  • I couldn't get through the article because of the bias. You definitely seem like a die-hard fan of Cyrus (even though you stated otherwise). But honestly, this was mostly bashing on the people criticizing her. That's what it seemed like to me, anyway.
    January 9th, 2010 at 09:12pm
  • but she is supossed to be a role model i mean come on little kids look up to her cus shes on the disney channel i mean come on my best friends 6 year old sister started dancing on the play ground pole and took apic of her naked in a sheet come on i mean wat is she thinking? im not slamming her im just saying she is a band rolemodel
    January 9th, 2010 at 03:10am
  • I despise Miley Cyrus for so many reasons - I really think she's starting to show her true colours.

    But I think everyone has a right to their own opinion - if she doesn't agree with Madonna and Angelina Jolie's parenting, fine by me.
    January 8th, 2010 at 10:30am