Mosh Pits: Are They Really Worth It? - Comments

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  • thenamesheather

    thenamesheather (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Your Demise video. Admitedly I doubt I'd ever go to one of their gigs anyway. No I definatley wouldn't.
    June 16th, 2010 at 09:45pm
  • thenamesheather

    thenamesheather (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I totally get why people hate it, I hate the violence of it but when I went to see You Me At Six in Manchester I'm glad I was standing. Yes, we got pushed alot, yes, it was kind of scary when a huge mass of people all suddenly moved in your direction, yes, we didn't have brilliant view but we hadn't got there early anyway. This guy & girl almost ended up having a fight right by me & my 2 mates but they weren't even in a mosh pit at that point. Since that gig I don't want to be 'sitting' again because it's amazing really. One of my friends was almost seperated from us but the people inbetween let her pass to get to us again. You have to stand your ground no matter how big or small you are, I'm average height but I'm quite big so I'm not easily moved, the friend who got seperated is small, petite & timid.
    I agree that it is stupid, how is violence fun? But people box for entertainment so yeah... We shouldn't be going to gigs just to end up in hospital. (A boy in my year got a broken/fractured collar bone). I know my opinion isn't very clear because I don't hate it but I don't like the violence involved either. It's hard to explain clearly.
    June 16th, 2010 at 09:34pm
  • Butterfly Poon!

    Butterfly Poon! (100)

    United States
    I love moshing. Usually, I hold in my anger and when I go to a concert and I mosh I can take out all my anger on random people. I think its fun. I can see where you come from though. I took my little sister to her first concert when she was 9 and there was this little mosh pit but she was scared to deathc and hade to leave. Sometimes moshing isn't woth it but I think it's fun, Plus its funny to go to school after a concert the day before covered in bruises and you can't really move properly. Well, it's fun for me. BUt I guess to each their own.
    May 24th, 2010 at 11:59pm
  • Hoofbeat

    Hoofbeat (100)

    I agree, I do not see the concept of doing a mosh pit. I mean who really wants to pay 50$ to miss the whole concert just because your attention was mainly focused on trying to remain standing? Not me anyway.
    April 24th, 2010 at 05:59pm
  • Cupcake :3

    Cupcake :3 (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Mosh pits at larger gigs I certainly avoid, it's usually a bunch of lads trying to beat the shit out of the scene boys tbh. But then, both sides give as good as they get.

    I like them at smaller unsigned gigs though, usually because they're more relaxed and there's less chance of getting kicked out because you're being piggy-backed with legs swinging into the mosh pit, though tbf, in these ones I've usually ended up brawling on the floor with a girl.

    Moshes can be terrible, but girls aren't beat up as badly as the lads are. The guys try to avoid the girls.
    April 16th, 2010 at 12:52am
  • itsKatastrophe.

    itsKatastrophe. (145)

    United States
    It honestly depends. I'm only five foot, but i LOVE moshing. But I've seriously seen worse pits at an indie show than at a heavier rock show. That being said, I have seen pits where people had to be carried out by security guards. I went to a show at a pretty small venue, and when the lights came back on at the end of the saw, there was blood all over the floor and there was a path of blood that lead back to the parking garage where I had parked. You just have to be careful and make sure you know what's going on where. I've sustained a bruises, broken arm, ribs, and a concussion from moshing. The last show I went too (in may of last year), left me with bruises all over my shins, which i still have. I try to stay a little farther back, or i try to get there really early so that I'm right up front. It's not something for everyone, but it's also not something you can easily stop, just hinder for a little while. I still love it.
    April 8th, 2010 at 02:49am
  • VIRGO818

    VIRGO818 (150)

    United States
    I don't understand it either, In my opinion concerts are for enjoying music. When i went to the Rock Band Tour for Panic! At The Disco me and my best friend were shoved around so much I ended up smashing this guys foot behind me like forty different times. Something that was supposed to be fun turned into chaos, and oddly enough practically suffication! Me and my friend had to actually cling onto each other in order not to seperate. The part that pissed me off the most was that we had gotten there almost three hours before the show to be in the way front, which we were, until the pushing began. By the time Panic had made it to the stage, we had moved back a good forty feet from the that was IRRITATING! It's really annoying to think people who got there only a few minutes before the show had managed to push themselves all the way to the front and shove the people who had been there three hours before out of the way. The concert was amazing! But the moshp pitts that ended up forming around us SUCKED
    March 30th, 2010 at 07:30am
  • MemoriesOfLoveLost

    MemoriesOfLoveLost (100)

    I do not see the point in moshing. I like to go to gigs and concerts but I see not point in spending the whole time bumping into the people around me and being squished. I had a friend's big brother tell me and he and his friends determined how good the gig the night before was by how much pain they were in the next morning, the more pain, the better the gig leading me to believe that all mosh pits are just for masochistic people who enjoy being in pain more than the gig it's self. I am definitely a music enthusiast though, and if it is a band I really like, I enjoy being at the front. At a recent gig for a new band in Dublin (Jody Has A Hit List) I was in a rather small venue and I was at the front with several of my friends who, enjoy dancing and listening to the music and singing along, but not moshing. There was enough space at the front but it was very crowded and I am a claustrophbic so when the boys behind me started a mosh pit i was unimpressed. I moved even more forward once they started to really get going, but soon they were bumping up against me once again. I got angry when one boy almost knocked me flying and I turned around and stupidly punched him in the face. I closed my eyes and waited for him to punch me back but instead he turned and hit the boy behind him instead, even though he knew full well I was the one who hit him. Instead half the mosh pit turned into a fist fight and learned later that it was for the 'mosh pit' experience that the boy didn't hit ME back, not the fact that he didn't want to hit a girl. Some of the people got kicked out, and one boy had to go to hospital. Walking home two of the boys in the mosh pit were takling about how great the mosh pit was while one of them felt his black eye and the other gingerly felt his swollen nose while still spitting blood. I do not understand why anyone would want to mosh when all it does is cause injuries and suffocate you.
    March 27th, 2010 at 04:49pm
  • Paparazzi

    Paparazzi (100)

    I love mosh pits :) I'm 5'1" and I get crushed but still worth it in my opinion. I was right up the front for Paramore at Soundwave in Sydney and everyone was complaing that the mosh was horrible, it was nothing in my opinion.
    March 18th, 2010 at 09:02am
  • Beast In Repose

    Beast In Repose (150)

    I agree with alot of people on here. Moshing is awesome, but it aint for everyone. I know how heartbreaking it might be, but if you go there for the music, get reserved seating (assuming they offer it!). If you go for the experience, get in the crowd.
    March 16th, 2010 at 12:31pm
  • goodbye.graceful

    goodbye.graceful (100)

    United States
    I personally like mosh pits, but I've never had a really bad experience either, though. I've been to a lot of concerts now that I look back, but I've noticed the worst ones aren't the ones you'd expect. I could definitely see how a Paramore concert would go bad. As I Lay Dying had nothing on Taking Back Sunday. Well, I'm pretty short, and the tall guys in the As I Lay Dying mosh pit must have felt bad for me, so I've had complete strangers save me from a few punches. Taking Back Sunday on the other hand, I nearly passed out from girls squeezing to be closer to the front. I remember spending half of a song suspended a few inches off of the ground.

    So you'd find me in a hardcore pit long before you'd find me in a pit for a band like Paramore. Definitely based on what band and your own personal preference.
    March 9th, 2010 at 08:53pm
  • phantomatthewindow

    phantomatthewindow (100)

    United States
    for me, moshpits are the biggest reason i go to shows. i would enjoy the music if there weren't any, so long as it was a band i wanted to see. but, the experience is so much better if a moshpit is involved.
    first of all, whenever you go to such an event, even if it was a bluegrass concert, you run the risk of people freaking out and the scene turning deadly. but at a rock concert, it's just bound to happen.
    second, just from my personal beliefs, moshing is a way to get closer to the band, closer to the music, than any other way possible. i go into a moshpit with the mentality 'kill or be killed' and every single time, i am prepared for the worst. every time i enter a moshpit, i face death, and it's exhilarating. you could ask "why do people do motocross?" or "why do people skydive?" the answer is simple, for the thrill. it makes you feel alive. and every time i make it out of a pit, i can be grateful that i'm still breathing.
    for instance, there was a single time in my life that i can recall that i honestly believed i was going to die. it was in a pit at a five finger death punch concert. it was terrifying to say the least. but, as soon as i got out, i immediately wanted back in. for me, it's like a drug, i get pumped and my adrenaline gets going. i feel no pain whenever i am in a moshpit, no matter how hard i get hit. i can take out my frustrations on a stranger, and we laugh and shake hands afterwards without assault charges, and i never see the guy again.
    a moshpit is the spice to the whole damn experience. it transcends the music even. it's akin to religious enlightenment. it's wonderful, and i got myself in the mood to mosh by writing this XD
    March 8th, 2010 at 10:31pm
  • MadameKatherine

    MadameKatherine (100)

    People mosh, because it's become a famous way to express your love of the music, the beat and the band it self.
    I go to shows, and the more moshers, the more popular the band.
    March 7th, 2010 at 02:36am
  • Valium Freak

    Valium Freak (600)

    INSERTCLEVERNAME: yeah totally punk gigs are amazing but it really depends from place to place, here I've seen some really rough ones, and some rfeal friendly the truth thing is they ALWAYS pick you up, no matter what.
    March 5th, 2010 at 03:10am
  • Valium Freak

    Valium Freak (600)

    Have you ever been to a concert in Mexico?? Ever wondered why they say we are AWESOME FANS?? cos of that...
    My first concert was totally small sonic youth venue, with not even 2000 people and boy it was soemthing, it was so downright crazy, I mean I loved it still, but I've learnt the bad way to keep my eye on it.

    In punk concerts it's waaaaaay worst, but I personally can't imagine being in a concert jsut listening to the music, this actually freaked me out about canada, we were seeing Robert Plant and people were just STANDING THERE"!!!!! I don't think mosh pits are the smartest thing and there is something as too much, but I'm personally a fan of that mass hysteria directed towards music and leeme tell yah when you do that stuff you don't only hear the music you feel it too.
    March 5th, 2010 at 03:02am
  • auden

    auden (650)

    United Kingdom
    I went to a Senses Fail concert in January.

    One of the first bands was called Fact, from Japan. No idea why people were moshing but this chick who was standing directly behind me, not even moshing, was elbowed in the head. She was knocked the fuck out and carried out of the building by the guards.
    March 3rd, 2010 at 03:38am