Michael C. Hall In Remission For Cancer

Michael C. Hall In Remission For Cancer Michael C. Hall, lead actor in the hit drama Dexter, has recently announced that he has been diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma, a form of cancer, and a spokesperson of his has said that Hall is currently in a recovery stage whilst the cancer is in remission.

The 38-year-old released the news rather recently, all though he has admitted that he's been keeping it a secret from fans for quite some time.

Hall has also thanked his doctors for helping him in being cured, saying this in a recent statement, "I feel fortunate to have been diagnosed with an imminently treatable and curable condition, and I thank my doctors and nurses for their expertise and care."

Hall has also been nominated for Best Dramatic Actor in drama at the Golden Globes, and the TV show Dexter has been nominated for Best Drama. Hall has confirmed he will be attending the show.

Dexter will continue on for a fifth season later on sometime this year, the cancer merely a minor setback it seems, for Hall.

Ninemsn Newsroom.

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