X-Men: First Class : My Hopes For The Film And Possible Spin-offs

X-Men: First Class : My Hopes For The Film And Possible Spin-offs It has been officially announced by Byran Singer that he will be directing the next X-Men movie. This might possibly be the best news for the movie franchise because he was, hands down, the best director of any of the film.

Not much has been said about the new movie, X-Men: First Class, only small bits of information. We know that the movie will be based around the past lives of Charles Xavier and Magneto. It will talk about how their powers manifested and their backstories which puts a hold on the hopes of X-Men Origins: Magneto and possibly X-Men Origins: Deadpool, which I'd really want to see happen.

What I really want out of this next movie is really strong character growth. I want to see backstory and not just mutants fighting humans or mutants fighting mutants. I would also like to see the younger versions of Scott Summers (same last name, for the win), Jean Gray, Beast, Emma Frost (who made her movie debut in X-Men Origins: Wolverine) and Storm.

I'd like to see a (possible) romance between Cyclops and Emma Frost that might match what happened in the comics (not excluding Jean's jealousy and all that Jazz).

Maybe an explanation on how Magneto met Mystique? Basically, I want questions answered. The Fox version of X-Men has a lot to cover if it ever wanted to match up to the strong story line of the comic books. A lot of stuff has to happen in order to

A. introduce certain characters (e.i. Cable/Jean's Clone)
B. actually progress with the story line.

To tell you the truth, I didn't want this movie. I wanted an X4; you know, a sequel so that they could fix up the lose ends that were left at the end of X3 (SPOILER ALERT: for example, after the credits of X3, you see a hospital room similar to the one at the beginning of the movie and you hear Charles' voice coming from the hospital bed).

There have also been circulating rumors of different spin offs. One (that I am personally most excited for if it actually happens) is a Gambit spin off. I have to say, I'm a real Gambit fan but the way they portrayed him in the newest Wolverine movie did not do his real character justice. The number one thing that upset me about his movie character was the lack of his Cajan accent and his charm. Gambit is a smooth talking and charming thief and he uses playing cards as his number one weapon. I want to see more card throwing if this spin-off actually does happen. The actor who played Gambit has talked about doing a spin-off which would hopefully include Rogue. There is a big problem with that idea. First, he shows up in the Wolverine movie at around the age of 20, which took place a good 15 to 20 years before the first X-Men movie meaning that Rogue and Gambit's relationship would be pretty awkward (and not to mention illegal). And for some strange reason, the writers at Fox decided to put Rogue into a relationship with Bobby (aka, Iceman) which doesn't actually happen.

Now, here's something I want from the sequel of X3. A bigger part for Shadowcat and Nightcrawler. These two characters are very important to the actual X-Men story line. I did like how Nightcrawler was in X2 but after that he basically fell off the edge of the earth. As for Shadowcat, she had around 5 lines in X3 and they kind of portrayed her as a bitch (not so much her personality but because she was always flirting with Iceman).

All in all, I want more of X-Men movies. I want Hugh Jackman to have a smaller part, I want Cyclops not to be dead and I want the end of X3 explained. I am looking forward to First Class, don't get me wrong but I'd definitely be more excited for a sequel to X3.

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