Some Music Considered Corruption to Society? - Comments

  • NotesFromTheNorth

    NotesFromTheNorth (100)

    United States
    Here is my actual opinion. Personally i know im not going to become a Sweet Transvesstite from Transexual Transalvania because I watch the Rocky Horror Picture show, or that im going to become a prostitue because i used to listen to Lovely Ladies from Les Miserables on repeat when i was eleven. I don't Lead boys on and mess with them just because i listen to BadGirl by Breathe Eletric. And i don't let boys call me there property just because i listen to Say Anything. Personally the people need to be more responsible if they let music change them that much.
    June 24th, 2010 at 01:39am
  • NotesFromTheNorth

    NotesFromTheNorth (100)

    United States
    This article could have been so much better if you hadn't been so extreme. You could have convinced us that it was bad if you hadn't gone so over the top with how horrible this music was. I really am Hoping this was a Satire. Also you really should include Country and Musicals. Because there are many songs about prostitutes in Musicals, and if a country song isn't patriotic its usually pretty dirty.
    June 24th, 2010 at 01:33am
  • Adam Lazzara.

    Adam Lazzara. (100)

    this was just a waste of time reading because it was very negative and hurtful to the reader
    you tecnically said the music we listen to is noise or disgusting
    that is completely idiotic
    June 10th, 2010 at 05:09pm
  • Rooskaya;

    Rooskaya; (155)

    United States
    Although this article is well written and it gets your point across, it’s very insulting to the reader. I looked at this article and certain parts from many different views and I came to the same conclusion each and everytime: you’re very close minded and you really don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m sorry if it sounds offending or even rude, but it’s the truth. Music is what you want it to be.

    Artists are not told what to write, they write their own music and it is up to you, as the listener, to decide if it’s the right music for you. Just because they say vulgar things, go in depth on acts of violence (be it killing, rape or destroying someone’s property) doesn’t say that they are saying “you do this”. I listen to metal, rock, rap and country and not once have a came across a song that spoke in a serious manner of doing something like that. Ever.

    If you don’t think you’re s table enough to listen to something, then don’t listen to it, it’s as simple as that. Everyone has common sense.

    Another thing about music, it’s the scapegoat of the word. Everyone is going to use music, bands and lyrics as the world’s problems. A girl committed suicide, clearly it’s because My Chemical Romance told her too. A boy beat his girlfriend because Eminem said it was a great idea. Some group of kids destroyed someone’s house because Insane Clown Posse spoke to them and said “f**k that house up”, because Shelley West can drink too much Jose Cuervo, another girl got drunk and got herself killed – that doesn’t happen. Band’s don’t take your name, point to you and say “do this, do that” but people will say that’s what happened.

    You need more facts and you really need to know what you’re talking about, take a dip into more music and look past the Disney stars that sing about love and friendship. Half the time only half the music is their own and a honest fact: they’re in their teens, they haven’t had a chance to live, what as it changes as they get older.
    June 9th, 2010 at 04:14am
  • MMS1108

    MMS1108 (100)

    United States
    ......Is it okay that I burst out laughing in the middle of this?

    I can't speak for everyone but for me (and yes I listen to stuff that degrades women even though I am one, some rap, music about sex, suicide, murder, and beating people) music is my escape into a world that is worse than my own. It helps me realize what not to do, what I could do, and sometimes listening to someone scream about how their life sucks while another person bangs on drums and a loud guitar is played makes me feel like someone understands how I feel because sometimes I just want to scream too and it's like I'm not the only one who feels that angry. Music is a way of expressing who you are and how you feel about the world. I've had my entire life changed because of bands like Linkin Park and Good Charlotte because they aren't afraid to get their feelings and thoughts out through their music and it's helped open me mind and make me believe that it could be worse. Don't judge people just because of what music they listen to.
    June 8th, 2010 at 12:45am
  • Cotee

    Cotee (200)

    ahahhahaah this is ridiculous man
    May 28th, 2010 at 03:34pm
  • cruciatus.

    cruciatus. (455)

    United States
    This article is [i]very[/i] insulting as a reader.

    Most of my music, or "noise" as you so very [b]rudely[/b] called it, consists of rock music which, by the standards your article have lain out, would be considered "violent" or "sexual." I'm honestly very upset to read this article. I thought it was extremely biased, and exceptionally rude, and 100% incorrect.
    May 28th, 2010 at 03:19am
  • Skela_chibi

    Skela_chibi (100)

    Puerto Rico
    In my opinion i got a little bit angry i listen to Pinkly Smooth Avenged Sevenfold My Chemical Romance etc and they don't say kill my self use drug be a slut i have some few friend that listen rap hip hop music and they don't say use drug sex and other negative stuff. What i do believe is what people choose whatever they want to do rapist a drug dealer and/or how they been raise by their parent.
    May 25th, 2010 at 05:53pm
  • Lex Stronghorn.

    Lex Stronghorn. (100)

    This article actually made me a little angry. Like previous comments stated, this is a very biased and is lacking any facts at all. I like a very wide range of music, and none of them make me want to kill myself or others, and it has a more positive impact than anything. Sure, a lot of hip-hop songs do discriminate against women, but rock and metal? Hardly ever! Have you actually listened to any of the genre's you're accusing? It sure doesn't look like it. And if you really hate music this much, I pity you, you're missing out on an amazing thing.
    May 24th, 2010 at 08:55am
  • ciarmione.

    ciarmione. (100)

    I agree with everything Elf-Mathematician said.
    Although the article is well-written, you shouldn't have generalized hastily in this article.
    And I think most people are smart enough not to follow everything a song says.
    May 24th, 2010 at 07:47am
  • SurviveThisWorld

    SurviveThisWorld (100)

    United States
    Yes. Music does influence people. But most people have enough common sense not to go on a psycho murdering spree. Or have sex. Or start raping people.
    I listen to a lot of bands which talk about death. Am I about to kill myself? Am I about to kill other people? No. What about the ones who talk about sex? Am I about to go whore myself out? No. Geez.
    Then there's the same bands which have very different songs. Songs which touch deep in my heart, make me cry, make me feel happy. You're judging by stereotypes and, quite politely, stereotypes are stoooopid.
    Give me proof, solid, honest to God proof, and I might consider changing my opinion.
    May 24th, 2010 at 12:52am
  • anesthesia

    anesthesia (250)

    United States
    This article is poorly written, and lacks evidence to back this. If you're trying to convince people of something, you need to have information on both sides. As has been said many times, music doesn't corrupt people, people corrupt people. Artists write about things that have happened (perhaps in their life), not because they're advocating it. Granted, some artists do proudly say "Oh drink my beer and smoke my weed" and rap or sing about drugs, but that doesn't make them wrong, and as human beings, we are well aware of our ability to think for ourselves. Are you aware that music is used as therapy for people who go through traumatic events. Are you aware that the music used to soothe them isn't always classical, "harmless" rhythms? No, my therapist used hard rock, post punk, generally what is considered "angry" music a lot of the time. People have reasons for listening to what they listen to. If someone does something based on what they heard in a song, it's their conscious decision and they didn't have to do it just because the song said so, they did it because they think it was the right thing to do (even if they have no sense of right and wrong) Remember, you chose the music, it didn't choose you.
    May 23rd, 2010 at 07:06pm
  • The Hatman

    The Hatman (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    People once accused artists such as Elvis Presley or the Beatles of corrupting the young. No one in their right mind could possibly say so now. What will they say about modern artists in fifty years time?
    May 20th, 2010 at 11:11pm
  • space cadet glow.

    space cadet glow. (100)

    New Zealand
    i don't really know if the article accomplished what it was supposed to, but i do understand the basis. obviously not everyone is going to suddenly be corrupted into killing people because they listen to music that mentions it, but i think it would be fair to say that music can influence people. maybe in a different way though -- music creates unrealistic idols that people worship in an alarming fashion.

    for example, i know this girl who smokes. in an effort to get her to stop, my friend told her that gerard way didn't smoke. she was about a beat away from giving my friend her cigarettes (she took them out of her pocket) before she decided we were lying.

    granted, she almost believed that the three of us present were sleeping in the same bed in a hotel room, but that's irrelevant.

    you can definitely see the level of dedication that goes into musical idols on mibba. are you telling me that someone's role model has absolutely no influence on them? i'm sure a lot of people have had silly stages where they did something because their favourite celebrity did.

    so, maybe it isn't that unrealistic to believe that the music industry could possibly have a negative influence on people. i just don't think we're quite at the point where we're going out and killing people because of it.
    May 20th, 2010 at 10:13am
  • ChemicallyImbalanced

    ChemicallyImbalanced (1365)

    I think that in your article you seem to be treating children like they do not have a say in what they do and don't do.
    It's not entirely brainwashing. Most people have the capacity to think for themselves.
    If you think that music is having such an affect on society, then I pose this question: Do you think movies should have ratings like movies do?

    Even then, if a movie is about killing, or sex or violence, it doesn't necessarily mean that everyone who watches it will go out and do what's in the movie.

    I think that perhaps you underestimate how much people can think for themselves. Not all are so easily influenced. And a song can be interpreted in many different ways to defferent people.
    May 19th, 2010 at 09:07am
  • starbella

    starbella (100)

    United States
    BTW to me music is my get away, it doesn't tell us how we should act. It helps me get out of the real world. I listen to music 24/7. Some of my fav bands are avenged sevenfold, the thrill of it, attack attack, korn and much more. Well i'm a straigh A student. I've never been suspended, never have I gotten a detention, and I've never been grounded. This music is played 24/7 in my house. I have 3 older brothers. There is always a docking system or a surrond sound system on full blast. If theres not, there is live music in the base ment.
    May 19th, 2010 at 03:55am
  • starbella

    starbella (100)

    United States
    to put it simply, You choose the music, the music doesn't choose you.
    May 19th, 2010 at 03:48am
  • vaporwave

    vaporwave (160)

    Also, this article is full of spelling and grammatical errors. One more reason not to take it seriously.
    May 19th, 2010 at 01:13am
  • Farce.

    Farce. (100)

    United States
    One can only be as corrupt as one pleases to be.
    May 18th, 2010 at 10:45pm
  • WonderfullyWicked.

    WonderfullyWicked. (100)

    United States
    To add to the comments that already bring up good points, and I'm not sure if this has been said yet, but not ALL music is about corruption. For example, I listen to My Chemical Romance, Hit the Lights, The Friday Night Boys, The Cab and more [please dont hate on my music choices!], and I'm not out running around terrorizing my town or beating up people.

    It definitely comes back to the person who's listening to it, but not every genre of music belittles women or talks about killing people and getting into fights and such.
    May 18th, 2010 at 10:06pm