Windsor Castle:Haunted the Royals

Windsor Castle:Haunted the Royals Windsor Castle is one of the places the generationg of Queen Elizabeths and her ancestors stayed. Unfortunately,some of the royal and non-royals' intended on guarding and walking the hallways...Even after they had been said eliminated!

One of the spirits that continued his steps was a hunter named Herne,with wonderful hunting abilities. Other despised him of his astonishing talent.One day, the King was in danger of being stomped by a male deer. But of course, Herne stood in front and took the hit. Hundreds of years have passed and many people report eerie things. His see-through body walking with a pack of hounds,or maybe in the garden,holding the deers' head.

King Henry the VIII was another lonely spirit. He walked the halls "silently",but when he was to see a living being, he would scream. Many people have been seen running out of the castle crying of screaming in terror.His moans fill and echo everywhere, throughout the large castle,making anyone scared.

The last two have been eerie,but not quite as creepy as King Charles the 1st. He has been seen in the library often, sitting in a chair. Although he was beheaded,or sent to the guillotine, his spirit walks with it's head. One person,but only one,has reported seeing his head fall right off in front of her, causing her un-easy living for the rest of her life.

This castle has so many more haunts, some I cannot think about without feeling terrified myself. Writing this creeped me out,so I had to turn on the lights that I usually keep off. I hope you understand,that although this place seems pleasent,be careful of it's loud inhabitants.

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