Iron Man 2, Easter Eggs, and More! - Comments

  • The answer to your question is simple, the marvel universe in comic links all its comic together, how ever the films do not, if you think back to the older marvel movies, x-men, fantastic 4, blade and so on... they were not actually marvel studio films but infact the writes sold to other production companys. Marvel studios is responsible for the more recent films such as Iron man, hulk and the up coming Thor, capitain america and avengers movies all of which have been confirmed (the actor that plays johnny storm= the human tourch/fantastic 4 is playing Cap America another example of the split from non-marvel studio film and there films)
    P.s. OMG have you seen the thor trailer.
    August 10th, 2010 at 11:33am
  • Wolverine might be one of the originals but it all depends what Avengers universe they go by. That's the beauty of comics after all, all the alternative universes and what not. I mean, there's one Avengers universe where Tony Stark has a brother working with Nick Fury. So they may not even tie X-Men into it and claim its all in an AU.
    June 9th, 2010 at 04:16pm
  • Have another comment: the only true problem they have if they ever decide to stay true to the comics is the Hulk since he was in New York and that's where the X-Men reside. Why wouldn't they come in when the Hulk is wrecking havok over the city? I'm looking at them placing it at the same time as the second movie, the X-Men are getting their own back from Styker, yada yada. They need to do something about it, especially if they plan to go more in depth with the Avengers because Wolverine was one of the original.

    I want more Aaron Stanford as Pyro.
    June 9th, 2010 at 04:37am
  • Loved the article.
    Loved the movies.
    And the Easter Eggs, it was like Easter came early! (pun intended)
    And, just so you know, you were right about The Incredible Hulk. That's a scene right from the movie (watched it like three days ago) and the time lines match up. The Incredible Hulk, although made before Iron Man 2 is set AFTER Iron Man 2, discovered at the end when RDJ makes his appearance as Tony Stark and brings up the Avengers.
    June 9th, 2010 at 04:33am
  • This was a really great article! Well written, and I love everything you pointed out. I only noticed the last Avengers one and Thor's hammer myself, though I semi-recognised the shield, but couldn't put my finger on it while watching. Very interesting to see the little extras...

    I can't say I usually look out for easter eggs but I'm tempted to go scouring my Marvel collection for any that have as many as IM2 :D
    June 7th, 2010 at 01:32pm
  • Hooray for people who sing along to "Highway to Hell" and stay after the credits! Yes, this movie was amazing-- and yet I never noticed all these Easter Eggs. I'm usually so good at it too. I'm definitely going to see IM2 again =) Very well written article.
    June 7th, 2010 at 06:57am
  • im not saying i dislike iron man 2...its just the plot was very stupid but the action was amazing...way better than iron man 1....its just in part 2 the plot was just dumb
    June 2nd, 2010 at 07:38pm
  • I so need to see this movie now and watch out for easter eggs!!! I love marvel. lol. XD
    June 2nd, 2010 at 05:21pm
  • Love this article. I never noticed the Namor stuff before. But then again its good I didn't, people in the cinema would not have apprieciated my amused response. Namor makes me laugh after reading Iron Man: Demon in a bottle.

    Also adding to the comments of the hulk movie and Ryan Reynolds. I was under the impression Stan Lee said he'd like another Hulk movie before the Avengers but there wasn't time? Because he got a bit of criticism for not liking the Edward Norton movie.

    And Ryan Reynolds is playing the Green Lantern. Which looks like a damn amazing movie even though I'm not that big a fan of the Green Lantern myself.
    June 2nd, 2010 at 02:43pm
  • I still haven't seen Iron Man 2, but this all sound bloody awesome. I bow down to your knowledge haha.
    I have heard about the upcoming Avengers movie.
    Also, Chris Evans (Johnny Storm aka Human Torch/all-round hilarious guy) is actually the guy playing Captain America in the First Avenger film.
    June 2nd, 2010 at 07:20am
  • People lied to me and told me that IM2 sucked -_- I better watch the first movie,then watch the second ;D I really liked this article,well-written and everything!
    June 2nd, 2010 at 12:22am
  • Brill article! I'll be sure to watch out for these when i see it, maybe with your help i'll be able to outsmart my boyfriend :P haha
    June 2nd, 2010 at 12:15am
  • If I'm not mistaken aren't they making a new Hulk movie. And Captain America comes out next year. Ryan Reynolds is playing CA.
    June 2nd, 2010 at 12:01am
  • finally!
    someone who loves the Iron Man movies!
    People are talking so much crap about it
    but I can't help but love the movies.
    my first real movie i saw was Star Wars so I'm big into guy movies lol.
    And i don't think they could have picked a better actor to play Tony Stark : )
    June 1st, 2010 at 08:49pm