Inconsiderate Gamers

Inconsiderate Gamers I'm sure many of us are sick of some of our favorite video games being dissed by immature kids and adults alike. Just like music and movies, the kinds of video games you like are just based on your personal preference. Just because one person or a million people say something 'sucks' doesn't mean that you won't like it.

In retaliation to others unpleasant comments, fans of a game will post equally unpleasant comments. They should just ignore other people's close-mindedness.

Many people dislike the games I love. Yet, I don't go and defend those games by insulting another person. And I (usually) keep my thoughts on games I find terrible to myself – just like everyone should. No one wants to read someone's comment on how a game that isn't even out yet – anywhere in the world – is going to be terrible. Sure, when it comes out you may not like it, but you don't have to play it or buy it, and so if you do not play or buy it, you have no right to dis it – because you never even gave it a try.

I'm all for freedom of speech, but we shouldn't be allowed to abuse that freedom.

Sure, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but you don't have to be childish about it. And if you are going to be childish about something, please – in the name of Aerith – use proper grammar, spelling and capitalization. If you don't, you just look like an idiot – and you're most likely a prepubescent boy or a fat, balding, middle-aged man – either way, you probably have no life. (If you are neither of those things and you complain openly about games... and you use improper spelling and all that jazz – then I apologize. You're just going to have to get over it.)

I suppose I'm not one to talk, I am after all, an 18 year old female of average height and weight... Oh wait, never mind, I'm not a prepubescent boy or a middle-aged man who has no life. My mistake.

Sure, many of the games I like have faults – all games do actually. And the games I dislike have some good points to them and what not. Like Halo, the graphics are nice, the story is okay, I'm just not interested anymore. I never insult a game openly unless I have played through it completely and found it a waste of my time. Though, I suppose all games are a waste of my time.

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