Is He Really a Sellout? - Comments

  • I don't think he's a sellout to us, but he needs to make himself happy. If he's not doing that, he's selling out himself.
    June 9th, 2011 at 04:11pm
  • I do not think he is a sell out.
    February 23rd, 2011 at 08:05pm
  • I just want Christofer Drew to be happy. His music is great. He's doing what he loves but he shouldn't be pressured to make a certain type of album just because that's what [i]the fans[/i] want.
    January 30th, 2011 at 02:21am
  • I don't think he's a sell out. Selling out is compromising his integrity and principles in order for money and I don't believe he's doing this at all. I just think he's letting his fans down by what he does. He smokes blunts on stage. Does he realize there are 11/12 year olds in the audience? I mean she smoke what ever the fuck he wants in his own time. But no up on stage with a thousand or so people watching. He's also a bit of an asshole from what I've seen. Lots of my friends have met him and he's not the fucking 'peacemaker' that everyone sorts him out to be. Did any of you see his fight with Stephen Jerzak? It was really fucking immature of him to start shit over the internet. Especially with Stephen Jerzak, who happened to be a rather big fan of C. Drew.
    I really did appreciate him for several years, but now I just don't respect him. He still has a nice voice, nice music, and I can see why someone would like it. It's good. But he's a fucking hypocrite. He's immature and it's crossed a line.
    It's also quite obvious he doesn't like the fanbase he's attracted. I can't blame him considering it's made of 11 year olds who think they're super fucking hxc for listening to ~*~nevershoutnever~*~, but it's your fans. Without them you'd be no where. /endrant
    January 22nd, 2011 at 03:04am
  • [b]Agoraphobia;[/b] the smile actually didn't look fake, and you'll see that he quickly changed his facial expression [i]for the camera[/i]. That photo you've got in the article was a shot from the photo shoot - and you'll also notice from that video on the page you've linked in your article...he's not smiling in a lot of the shots that were taken.
    January 19th, 2011 at 09:24am
  • Christofer is just getting the feel for things. I've said it before and I'll say it again, bands progress and that's what makes listening to them worth it. I don't want to listen to four whole albums about someone's ex-girlfriend cheating on them, all on the ukulele(Not a dis, k?) If he didn't try something new I'd be disappointed. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any songs of his that I loathe. I liked article, it makes it easier to see why more people think he's sold out. I don't agree, but it's nice to see something that's not all like "Fuck Chris." ♥
    January 19th, 2011 at 04:22am
  • [b]starbella;[/b] And did the smile look real? No, it did not.
    January 18th, 2011 at 05:44am
  • FYI, I didn't spell check, or anything. Didn't go over. Just was more or less venting then. Sorry. Should have thought about it.. :L
    January 18th, 2011 at 05:39am
  • I think Christofer Drew's 'What Is Love' album was really good, it's just his so-called fans that changed him. He really shouldn't care what they think, fans should be happy he even got where he is now. In one of his interviews he talked about his fans not liking the album, so he did his best to change it so they would like it.
    January 17th, 2011 at 04:56pm
  • vv He 'altered' his sound so he could have his friends play along with him in the band. And you'll actually notice that there are hints of his solo stuff in his band stuff.
    January 17th, 2011 at 08:40am
  • I think he is... he totally changed his sound as soon as he stopped doing his own albums. The Love Is Our Weapon album started the downhill slide :( I miss his old sound
    January 17th, 2011 at 05:20am
  • I really don't mind the difference in Christofer's music. I mean, I've always been one to appreciate the music no matter what happens. I might not like it as much as their older stuff but it's still from them and they still sing/play it, so I'm not too worried. With Christofer, I know that he'll never completely give himself over to the point where he allows himself to be mercilessly directed by the industry. He won't let that happen. (I hope he proves me right...)

    I love his song "sellout." because it's a direct address to this issue. He realised in the song that he was becoming one and that he won't let it happen again. I hope that's true and that he continues to write all his own songs and come up with the music and so on.

    I agree with [b]Whiskey Hands[/b]; the smoking thing is something people have put up videos on Youtube crying about, but he's not going to change because he smokes and does pot and that's just what he does. It may be dangerous for him but that kind of proves he's not as much of a sellout as a lot of people think. :3
    January 17th, 2011 at 01:23am
  • I honostly don't think Chris is a sellout at all because he is still doing what he loves. I personally love his new music. Sure the new music is different than the older stuff, but he's just growing up and maturing.
    January 17th, 2011 at 01:22am
  • I hate his new music.
    I LOVE the acoustic music he did before. For example. I cannot stress how much I loathe the studio version of Jane Doe, but on youtube he has an acoustic version up that is loads better.

    The only reason he's brought in more than his uke and guitar is so his mates can go round with him. Which is sweet, but his new sound is ghastly.

    I love that his opinions are so strong in his lyrics. He gets straight to the point and it puts loads of people off.

    To be honest, in my opinion he's not a sell out, he's just a tad overrated.

    Wicked article mate.
    January 17th, 2011 at 01:11am
  • if you didn't realize before he got that look in his eyes he was smiling
    January 17th, 2011 at 12:34am
  • I thought the first album was quite good and some of the songs were really catchy. But songs like 'What is Love?' and 'The Past' were deep and we could tell that it came from Chris's heart. While I haven't listen to the new album that often I just believe that he's maturing and so is his music. I don't know the truth, I'm not Christofer Drew Ingle. Good article, keep up the good work.
    January 16th, 2011 at 07:46pm
  • v How is someone ignorant for having a different opinion than you?
    January 16th, 2011 at 06:15pm
  • It makes me angry to think that people can't accept him for who he really is. I loved his what is love album! It was real. No one wants a fake, flaky singer/song writer. Or apparently that is what they want. They want him to be as fake as possible like every artist nowadays. It's sad to see an artist who is such a good singer and person feel this way. People are just so ignorant.
    January 16th, 2011 at 04:53pm
  • I don't actually think he's a sell out to his fans. I remember when I was on Myspace and there was a picture of him smoking, and some of his fans didn't think that was cool. He posted a blog, and said that he was sorry, but that was who he was. People said his music changed, but maybe that's him growing musically as well. He's got his fluffy songs, but then he's got his 'mature' songs.

    Also, you say he's signed himself over to a corrupt music industry. He signed over to WarnerBros, and in that deal, he got to set up and run his own imprint label, Loveway Records. So, he's not selling over his soul and what he writes music for.

    Also, sellout: [i]One who betrays a cause for personal advancement. [/i] Do you really think that's what's become of Christofer Drew? What, exactly, has be betrayed for personal advancement? You can't say signing over to a label, because it's not for [i]his[/i] personal advancement, rather he's made an opportunity to sign him and his band up to a record company, create another little off-shoot label, where he can project his and the bands music onto the rest of the world.

    Maybe he was just having a rough day, or a long day and that picture captured it.
    January 16th, 2011 at 11:21am
  • This makes me a little sad to read about. I didn't' know that was his first album, it's the only one I've found I've liked at all. It would explain maybe why I didn't like the other albums.
    January 16th, 2011 at 09:16am