American Idiot: The Musical

It is rare that songs from an album can be properly communicated in such a large venue as a Broadway show, but “American Idiot” manages to convey the songs with full meaning. The musical, performed at the St. James Theater, takes the concept album from Green Day of the same name and expands it into a 90-minute extravaganza. While it may seem unlikely a punk-rock musical can feature dancing, “American Idiot” did in the form of strong, head banging movement. “American Idiot” incorporated music and dance and wrapped it up in a hardcore storyline.

“American Idiot” is a one-act show centered around a disillusioned youth named Johnny, who, with his friends, looks to find meaning in a ruined and apathetic world. Johnny finds love, drugs and eventually himself through the struggles he faces. The lives, loves, and losses of the characters are told through Green Day’s songs. Pivotal moments are communicated to the audience through song and dance, but not in the typical sense. Punk rock songs replace typical musical numbers and erratic dances take the place of precise, controlled movement. The dances in “American Idiot” are not the traditional dances seen in Broadway musicals. They are rough and uncontrolled. The dances feature many movements that would be seen at punk rock concerts and in mosh pits. Slam dancing, often called punk dance, which exhibits violent movement to convey emotion is seen throughout the musical numbers. The dancers rely heavily on head banging and jumping around the stage. Though not a dance in the typical sense, the dancing in “American Idiot” suits the music, the characters and the storyline. If you have not already seen this amazing musical, please do. It will be an experience you will never forget.

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