Fan Fiction vs. Original Fiction.

I have recently seen a lot of articles debating on which is better; Fan fiction or Original Fiction.

The thing I don't understand is why does it matter?

Most of the people who are writing stories, do it because they enjoy it. People like me for example. I am not looking into writing as a career but it is something I enjoy.

When I write fan fictions, it is because the characters are already defined. When I take a celebrity as the base for writing a fan fiction, I write them as people I want them to be. We enjoy writing fan fiction because you are changing the characters you already know, into something you want them to be and perhaps giving a story an alternate ending.

Witing Original Fictions is not as easy as writing fan fiction but it's just as fun. You can create characters and put them through stuff you'll never be through. You just need an idea and you're set!

The only difference is that fan fictions are never going to be published whereas original fiction has chances. So what? We can just post them on online websites where other people are going to read them. It also improves our writing skills!

So, people should just stop arguing over which is better. Both of them are good and it's your choice. You choose what you want to write.

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